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1 in 2 Iowans have survived an adverse childhood experience, study says

"Iowans must reduce the state’s rate of childhood trauma in order to address growing health care costs and increase workforce effectiveness, child advocates said Monday.

"More than half of adult Iowans have lived through at least one adverse childhood experience, or ACE, according to a new study conducted by the state’s Department of Public Health.

"The effects of such early adversity can be both long-lasting and wide-ranging — especially for those who experience multiple traumas before age 18, officials said. Speakers at a Monday conference in West Des Moines urged Iowa’s education, social service and health providers to work together to build public awareness of adverse childhood experiences, screen families for risk factors, and treat those already touched by trauma...."


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Not quite accurate. It should say, " 1 in 2 Iowans have survived at least one of the ten categories of adversity as defined by the ACE study." The ten ACE categories do not represent all childhood adversity. They were selected for their research use. As such, the ten ACE categories have been very useful in opening our eyes to the impact of adversity. In other words, the ACE study was used to relate adversity to health consequences. IT was never intended to be used to screen for adversity. If you want to screen for adversity, then you must use a broader approach.

Dr. Martin Teicher says that witnessing a sibling being abused, for example, has greater consequences than witnessing a mother being abused. Yet, there is no ACE question that would identify this. There are a multitude of other scenarios that could be considered as significant adversity for a child but are never captured with the ten ACE questions. In all likelihood, far more Iowans have experienced childhood adversity than 55%.

This is a natural trap in which we can easily fall, but we must be diligent to avoid.

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