Hello everyone! I wanted to introduce our new interest-based community, 16 Strong Project. 16 Strong works directly with adolescents to empower resilience to ACEs through educational workshops, school partnerships, and community outreach. We strive to continue conversations that help young people navigate the challenges they are facing as a result of ACEs. Through our new ACEs Connection community, we hope to engage individuals who work directly with youth ages 12-25, as well as young professionals in the 18-25 age range themselves.
16 Strong focuses specifically on what we can do to support young people in understanding their situations and developing the skills and strategies necessary to overcome the challenges in a positive, healthy manner. Young people can thrive despite their adversity, and it starts with recognition and awareness. In our community, we hope to engage people in meaningful conversations, knowledge sharing, resource sharing and more in order to help our nation’s youth recognize and resist the negative impacts of ACEs! Our goal is to meet youth where they’re at by using the things that they are engaging with on a daily basis to relay the messages of ACEs awareness, resilience and positive mental health (e.g. songs, music, TV shows, movies, social media, YouTube, etc.)
We hope to see you there!
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