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2 Out of 3 Depressed Teens Gain Lasting Benefits From Therapy []


For teens, depression can affect more than their relationships and educational achievement -- it can harm their future prospects. But a new study suggests that many of these young people could reap long-term benefits from psychological counseling.

"Depression can seriously impair people's lives, and in many cases begins during their teenage years," said Ian Goodyer, a professor at the department of psychiatry at the University of Cambridge in England. "If we can tackle it early on, evidence suggests we can reduce the chances of severe depression returning."

According to background material provided in a university news release, psychological treatments are effective in the short term in about 70 percent of adolescents with depression. But it's not clear how these patients fare in the long term, the study authors noted.

[For more of this story go to]

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Even adults don't always recognize the lack of control they have in life after an early trauma.  They fail to get the support needed and haven't had coping skills at all.  Everything takes over and helplessness takes need from professionals or groups that give support.  Now that Trauma Informed Care (TIC) is part of the world you might be able to find it!  Take a try! We all need it! JCH

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