Friend and trauma-aware health and fitness coach Renee McLaughlin created this 20-minute light stretching and brain-body connecting workout for ACEs Conference 2018 attendees. We shared it this morning in a session hosted by ACEs Connection.
Click to join Renee in a series of moves to get your day off to a relaxed but “woke” start, or to wake up anytime you’re feeling stressed or foggy.
That Renee says, “you can’t build strength in tense muscles” makes me think of why these moves would be great for kids, too, as it’s hard for kids to learn when they are tense and not connected to their bodies.
You can do this little workout in regular clothing and with bare feet or flat shoes. It’s not too strenuous and you probably won't get sweaty.
Doing this with friends and family will help regulate your “collective central nervous system.”
Please feel free to share this post with friends and to save it so you can do it again, and to find more videos by Renee McLaughlin on YouTube.
Here's the link to share:
Have a great day, ACEs Connections!
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