Since April, 2024, Dana Brown and I have been working as volunteers to keep your social networking site – PACEs Connection – up and running. Gratefully, your donations supported raising $14,859 to pay CrowdStack, the learning management system platform on which PACEs Connection operates, in November, 2024. We are deeply grateful that a longtime PACEs Connection member was able to direct the Langeloth Foundation to make a $10,000 tax-deductible donation toward the total. That $14,859 payment covers the cost until March 31, 2025.
Your financial support also raised an additional $3,500 to maintain the PACEs Connection Resource Center through December 2025 with LibGuides, the platform that hosts it.
Each time there has been a funding deadline, with help from you, our members, we’ve been able to nurture PACEs Connection forward and protect its valuable assets as we’re strategizing to maintain your social network.
Now, however, we’re hoping that by finding out how to make PACEs Connection more valuable to you and for you, we can also engage more of our members in investing in the work of catalyzing, convening, connecting, and keeping alive the happenings and history of you, our members, and our movement.
You are the most valuable part of PACEs Connection. Your opinion matters. 2025 PACEs Connection Members' Survey
We want to know what you want. To find out what could work for you all in helping to keep this movement moving forward. And so we’re asking what’s important to you, what you would like to see more of, what you’d like for us to add to, and what you’re willing to invest on a monthly basis to help keep the work of PACEs Connection going.
As such, we’re asking you to please invest about five minutes now to complete a brief survey which includes a question about what would be a fair monthly recurring donation, and if you’re willing to commit to that support for the next year.
We’re hoping to have achieved sustainability by this time next year, and that some of your answers about more ways to generate income will be a help.
A little funding history, in case you wondered how the organization got to this “survival mode” situation.
In the beginning (2011), the organization was funded by grants from some big and impressive organizations. Unfortunately, these organizations rarely fund beyond the first two or three years. The founder of PACEs Connection, with whom we stay in touch, is cheering us on, and providing some counsel.
When you joined PACEs Connection, we may not have had as many sector-specific, Interest Based Communities to support your alignment with peers in your profession. Please take a look at these communities now and consider joining them and posting on them to revitalize them as well.
PACEs Connection has hundreds of geographic communities, United States based Communities and numerous International Communities to support you and your loved ones. If you’ve not joined the community in which you live, we invite you to do so.
With more than 61,143 members globally, PACEs Connection is the leading social networking site to amplify the heart-centered work of integrating PACEs Science into all aspects of our lives. Because positive and adverse childhood experiences have affected all aspects of our lives: our health, mental health, relationships, successes, challenges, abilities to focus, protect ourselves, parent our children, reparent and love ourselves.
This work is evolving in myriad ways, and you are playing a part in it by reading this post, belonging to PACEs Connection, joining appropriate communities, sharing blog posts across social media, and supporting this work financially.
Should you not have had an opportunity to read the blog post announcing the member survey, and our request for your discernment about the future of PACEs Connection, please click here, What are your thoughts, hopes, and dreams about what happens next for PACEs Connection? | PACEsConnection.
Thank you for your time, your heart, and your consideration to support our revitalization of PACEs Connection, your taking the life, community, and world-changing knowledge of the science of positive and adverse childhood experiences with you whenever you go. Knowing this information truly does change one’s life, right? Please let us hear from you. We are so grateful to you for being with us on this journey!
Donation Form | PACEsConnection.
With tremendous gratitude,
Carey Sipp and Dana Brown
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