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$263K will help treat mental illness in young people earlier []


When teenagers and young adults suffer a psychotic episode, they're more likely to develop serious mental illnesses later, and the longer it goes untreated the more serious the issues can become.

With that in mind, a new program and partnership between the state of Montana and area mental health experts and organizations announced Tuesday aims to provide treatment early on in an effort to keep their conditions from getting worse.

During a Tuesday press conference at Billings Clinic, Gov. Steve Bullock and officials from the hospital and the South Central Regional Montana Health Center announced the partnership and the receipt of a $263,000 federal grant to fund it. The partnership includes the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, which received the federal money, and the National Alliance for Mental Illness Montana.

[For more of this story, written by Zach Benoit, go to;utm_medium=email]

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