Please welcome these four new communities to the network.
- Erie County ACEs (NY)
- Hampton Roads Trauma-Informed Community Network (VA)
- Quebec ACEs and Trauma-Informed Network (CAN)
- Queens County Mental Health Project (NY)
Details about each of them are below as is information about starting and growing your community initiatives and joining the Cooperative of Communities.
Erie County ACEs (NY): Erie County ACEs is committed to broadening the exposure to trauma science. Offering tools and support for integrating resilience building into our social and institutional practices. Community Manager: @Curtis Eaton
Hampton Roads Trauma-Informed Community Network (VA): The Hampton Roads Trauma Informed Community Network (HRTICN) exists to promote understanding of how trauma affects individuals and communities, and to advocate practices that help all people reach their full potential. Community Manager: @Audravette Jackson
Quebec ACEs and Trauma-Informed Network: To introduce ACEs Awareness, Trauma-Informed (TI) and Resilience cultures in the province of Quebec. French materials will be available. Community Manager: @Teresa Barrett
Queens County Mental Health Project (NY) The Queens County Mental Health Project is an initiative that focuses on whole health and basic human needs. A network of community organizations help enable referrals for additional resources. Queens Health Outreach, Empowerment and Advocacy â we aim to work together and strengthen the wellness, safety and access to services in Queens, New York. Community Manager: @Amela Sandra Dzurlic
Interested in Starting a Community on ACEs Connection?
For questions about starting or growing an initiative, using our site and tools, please reach out to one of our regional community facilitators. Communities in:
- Northeast, Mid-Atlantic states, contact @Alison Cebulla
- Western states, contact @Gail Kennedy
- Northwest states, contact @Karen Clemmer
- Southern states, contact @Carey Sipp
- Midwest states, contact @Ingrid Cockhren
- Communities in California:
- Southern California, contact @Lara Kain
- Northern California, contact Karen Clemmer
- San Francisco Bay Area, contact @Donielle Prince
- Capitol region contact @Gail Kennedy
- Central Valley contact @Rafael Maravilla(PACEs Connection Staff)
- International communities: contact @Gail Kennedy
For more information on mapping the movement, please go here where you'll find more about all of our ACEs Connection geographic communities, U.S. states that have done ACE surveys, ACEs and trauma-informed legislation, and more. Be sure to click on each tab to explore each community. The map is interactive and each dot includes a hyperlink and information about each initiative.
ACEs Connection founder, and ACEs Too High publisher, @Jane Stevens announced the Cooperative of Communities which offers "an additional layer of tools and guidelines, for ACEs initiatives that are more mature and ready to join the Cooperative as affiliates." More details can be found here and here in the video below.
Please help ACEs Connection to meet our grant-matching goal.
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