Please welcome these 4 new communities from CA, IN, and England to ACEs Connection. More information about each one of them is below. You can also find theses communities among this list of all our communities.
ACEs Indiana Coalition Established in 2019, the ACEs Indiana Coalition strives to bring together organizations throughout Indiana to build resilient and self-healing communities. In addition, the coalition assists in the management of Indiana’s ACEs Interface program. This page serves as Indiana’s statewide ACEs Connection site and we encourage the sharing of resources, information, and events. Community Manager: @Kate Hill-Johnson
ACEs Tulare County (CA) We conduct ACEs awareness activities on behalf of Tulare County. Our focus area is currently on Father Engagement...When it comes to the growth and development of young children, father engagement is incredibly influential. Research has shown that children benefit directly from the involvement of a father in their lives, especially if that father is engaged. Community Manager: @Amanda Guajardo
Kent & Medway ACEs Connection As part of the developing multiagency partnership 'Making Kent & Medway ACE Aware', we aim to share ideas and practice, and build a network of trauma-informed, resilient communities. Community Manager: @Mick Haselden. @Amanda GuajardoUniversity of CA, San Francisco GRACE Initiative GRACE: Globally Reducing Adverse Childhood Experiences. UCSF faculty, students, staff members and affiliates who share a passion for ACEs-related research, education, prevention, treatment, advocacy, and policy. We collaborate with local, national, and international communities to transform, advance, and apply the science of preventing ACEs to improve the lives of children and families worldwide. Community Manager: @Mohsen Malekinejad
ACEs Connection Community Facilitators Support You & Your Initiatives
For questions about starting or growing an initiative, using our site and tools, please reach out to one of our regional contacts.
Communities in:
- Northeast, Mid-Atlantic states, contact @Christine Cissy White
- Western states, contact @Gail Kennedy
- Northwest states, contact @Karen Clemmer
- Southern states, contact @Carey Sipp
- Midwest states, contact @Ingrid Cockhren
- Communities in California:
- Southern California, contact @Lara Kain
- Northern California, contact Karen Clemmer
- San Francisco Bay Area, contact @Donielle Prince
- Capitol region, Central Valley, contact @Gail Kennedy
- International communities: contact @Gail Kennedy
For more information on mapping the movement, please go here where you'll find more about all of our ACEs Connection geographic communities, U.S. states that have done ACE surveys, ACEs and trauma-informed legislation, and more.
Be sure to click on each tab within the shinyapp to explore each community. he map is interactive and each dot includes a hyperlink and more information about each initiative.
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