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4th Annual CTSS Conference Parent -Track

The Attachment & Trauma Network's 4th Annual Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools Conference will be held virtually in 2021!  Over the course of four days, we will be offering over 40 workshops, with keynote speeches by:  Dr. Tina Payne Bryson, Ingrid Cockhren, M.Ed., Dr. Mona Delahooke, and Dr. Melissa Sadin.  In addition, we are very excited to announce that Childhood Trauma and PTSD expert Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score, will be our special guest on Monday, February 15.

Our 2021 Conference will also feature, for the first time, a special track for parents.  These workshops have been designed especially for parents and caregivers of traumatized children. Attendees of the Parent-Track will be able to choose from 12 different workshops, be able to attend ALL keynote speeches and see Dr. van der Kolk's speech! 

The cost to register for the Parent-Track is $150.00.  However, thanks to the generosity from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation we are able to offer a limited number of scholarships.  We understand that in these difficult times many people may not have the resources available to attend such an important conference and we want to be able to reach as many people as possible. 

The deadline for scholarship applications is Tuesday, December 22, 2021.  Simply follow the link HERE and submit your application. 

We look forward to seeing you in February!


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