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5 Ways for LGBTQ People to Prioritize Mental Health


Members of the LGBTQ community often must overcome much and regularly face many unique challenges that can impact mental health. Things like discrimination, social isolation, and the stress of navigating everything from personal identities to relationships can truly take a toll.

However, there are several things those in the community can do to foster better mental health and take care of themselves every day.

Many of these “tips” are more practical than you might think. By taking small steps each day to prioritize your mental well-being, you can live a happier, healthier life.

1. Stay Active

While everyone knows exercise is good for your physical health, it can actually do wonders for your mental wellness, too. Staying active can improve your mood and boost your mental health by:

  • Reducing stress;
  • Reducing anxiety;
  • Improving self-esteem;
  • Boosting feelings of happiness.

Staying active can also be a fantastic way to fight back against social withdrawal. Finding a way to exercise with other people is a great way to build your support system and find a healthy community. Don’t be afraid to try different activities and build a regimen that works for you. The more you enjoy the activity, the more likely you’ll be to stick with it.

2. Get Plenty of Sleep

According to the CDC, adults between the ages of 18-60 should be getting at least seven hours of sleep each night. Unfortunately, that’s often easier said than done. While missing a few hours of sleep here and there likely won’t cause much harm, consistently not getting enough sleep can be incredibly damaging to your mental health.

A lack of sleep is often connected to anxiety and depression, creating a sort of vicious cycle. Mental health issues can make it difficult to sleep, but not getting enough sleep can exacerbate those issues.

You can fight back against those sleep issues by improving your sleep hygiene. Establishing a nighttime routine is a great place to start. Try to go to bed around the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. Make sure your room is an ideal sleeping environment, eliminate distractions, and try natural remedies like herbal tea to help you calm down at night.

3. Spend Time Outside

Mother Nature is the ultimate healer. Spending time outdoors – even if it’s just a few minutes each day – can do wonders for your mental health. Studies have shown that being in nature can help with:

  • Improved attention;
  • Reduced stress;
  • Improved mood;
  • Fewer negative emotions;
  • Feelings of happiness.

It’s easier to enjoy nature therapy than you might think. Simple hobbies like starting a garden, taking up meditation or outdoor yoga, or even going on an evening walk around the neighborhood can all make a difference. If you’re more of a “plan ahead” kind of person, consider setting up a weekend of camping with friends, or pack a bag and hit the local trails for a nature hike.

4. Unplug and Disconnect

Social media can be a powerful tool for LGBTQ people. It’s a way to connect with others in the community, find support, meet allies, and even discover local events catered to the community. But, it can also be a trigger, and cause a lot of unwanted stress.

There is so much hate online that it can sometimes be overwhelming to see, especially as you’re scrolling through Instagram, TikTok, or even dating apps. Beyond that, social media tends to take away a lot of free time and can overstimulate your mind.

Find ways to disconnect as often as possible, including turning off notifications on your phone, and especially avoiding social media right before bed.

5. Get the Help You Deserve

If you really want to prioritize your mental health, don’t hesitate to talk to someone about it. The more people – especially those in the LGBTQ community – are willing to open up about their mental health struggles, the easier it will be for the stigma surrounding mental wellness to disappear.

Nowadays, you don’t have to go far to get the help you need. Teletherapy has made it easy to connect with a mental health professional from the comfort of your home.

You can specifically seek out queer-friendly therapists who might have a better understanding of where you’re coming from as well as your personal struggles and needs. Or, you can utilize mental health apps specifically designed for those in the LGBTQ community.

You don’t have to wait until you feel like your mental health is struggling to reach out to a professional. Therapy and counseling are great for maintaining your mental well-being. You might discover things about yourself that you didn’t realize before. You might also start to heal from issues of the past that you’ve been pushing down for years.

It’s important for everyone to prioritize their mental health. But, it’s especially essential for LGBTQ individuals who are trying to deal with everyday challenges. Don’t hesitate to try some of these suggestions and show your mental health some self-love.

Image Source: Unsplash

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