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50,000th-member celebration filled with long-time friends of ACEs Connection, laughter, shining examples of how the ACEs movement is growing, accelerating!


Amid laughter and more than a few eyes glistening with tears, much gratitude and a chat-box filled with uplifting messages, members of ACEs Connection from around the world gathered via Zoom on March 4 to celebrate the milestone of the social networking site reaching 50,000 members.

The group acknowledged founder and publisher Jane Stevens’ foresight in starting this human and digital catalyst, growing and supporting the worldwide ACEs and resilience movement and telling its authentic stories.

Among the authentic stories told by the more than 130 participants was that of Stevens herself. She recounted the start of ACEs Connection in January 2012, and how overnight the fledgling site went to 200 members after Vincent Felitti, M.D., co-author of the seminal 1998 Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, sent a message to everyone on his email list with an invitation to join Stevens laughed when she said it then took about 18 months to reach 1,000 members.

As she launched into the call, surrounded by beaming faces of longtime and new members, Stevens shared a bit about the importance of the “why” of ACEs Connection.

“A team member suggested we look at a TEDTalk by Simon Sineck. It was amazing because it was a way — beyond mission, vision and value — to get at the heart of why we do what we do. There’s an outer circle of the ‘what,’ an inner circle of the ‘how,’ and at the center is the ‘why’.

'The ‘why’ is what gets you up in the morning: We believe with this new and amazing knowledge (the science of adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs) that humans can finally and truly heal ourselves, our organizations, and our systems. We can really and truly solve our most intractable problems. No doubt about it. We don’t have to have war or poverty or abuse or any of that with this new knowledge,” said Stevens.

“So how do we do this?” she asked. “We’ve built a structure and developed a strategy to get this new knowledge out to people in organizations to unite us in our why. So what do we do? We tell stories about what you are doing. And we connect everybody so that you all know where each other are, so you don’t feel alone. And we provide our network and our tools and guidelines so you can work together.”

Stevens talked about the powerful tools ACEs Connection has developed.

“But most importantly, we give all of you whatever you want or need so you can keep doing this for yourself and for your community and for others. It’s like a multiplier effect. It started with me, but now there’s more than 50,000 of you!

“We’re giving you information that you can say is making a difference in your life, so you can make a difference in other people’s lives, which you all have! Look at the power of this 50,000 people in this organization,” Stevens exclaimed.

“I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for coming along with me on this journey  -- from where I started and didn’t know what I was doing to helping create a place where we all share and help each other to do this ‘why’ that we are all so passionate about.”

Stevens thanked the ACEs Connection staff and donors, including the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The California Endowment, Genentech, the Lisa Stone Pritzker Family Fund, the George Sarlo Foundation, St. David’s Foundation, Cambia Health Foundation and Blue Shield of California Foundation.

Stevens described the day ACEs Connection surpassed the 50,000-member mark.

“We were watching all day to see who would be that 50,000th person,” she said. it turned out to be Anne Borowiec of New Jersey. Boroweic said she heard about ACEs Connection from friends.

Anne Borowiec, ACEs Connection’s 50,000th member, co-chair, JerseyCAN

“I used to work as a banker and worked in investment issues and philanthropy issues and got interested in education. I watched foundations searching for how to make an impact, and saw how they zeroed in on younger kids. We found a strategy that has power in the state concerning private philanthropists — but got the state involved.

“I coach a board called JerseyCAN, focused on public education and making sure all kids have access to great schools that open doors to their future. It was the inequities and the equity issues that we saw in education that caused JerseyCAN to form. And so I care about this space broadly and applaud what New Jersey has done and applaud that there is a national network (ACEs Connection) to be supported, so there is leverage in all of this.”

Here are comments from some of the others on the celebration call:

Dwana Young, community manager, New Jersey Resiliency Coalition, program director, New Jersey Office of Resilience

A statewide group well represented on the Zoom call was the New Jersey Resiliency Coalition. Dwana Young of the New Jersey Office of Resilience discussed what makes the initiative in New Jersey grow and work so well.

The New Jersey Office of Resilience is “The first (statewide) resilience office in the U.S. We have the full backing of Commissioner (Christine) Byer (of the Department of Children and Families) as well as the governor and the First Lady’s office. We are excited to be doing the work, and to be the first office of this kind. People from across the nation are calling us, asking about what we are doing with the release of the Statewide Action Plan. We are excited about our call next week with Nadine Burke Harris, the surgeon general of California — excited to be working with her.

“We are positioned to create resources that will be from the community for the community. We’re focused on making everything we do community-led and driven. We are engaging our indigenous community; they are often left out. This is like something not done before — state and public sectors, legislators.

“You ask how we have been growing? The secret is to share your link every chance you get! I drop it in Zoom chat every meeting I am on. I use it on every email.”

The New Jersey Resiliency Coalition site is on ACEs Connection, which Young calls “the LinkedIn of ACEs science.”

“This is where you come to get everything you need to know from across the globe. We are intentional about doing this in New Jersey.  We are not hoarding information, we are one band, one sound!”

Any ACEs Connection community manager wanting to know how to grow should “do what Dwana’s community has done,” said Alison Cebulla, Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region community facilitator. “Just join Dwana’s community and just do what she does.”

“There are about 400 communities,” Stevens added. “We are aiming for 5,000 out of 34,000 cities and counties in the U.S., and we are hoping that the community managers in countries outside the U.S. will determine how many cities and counties are in their countries and determine their own goals. With this approach we can reach a tipping point, and spread the word so that ACEs science becomes like electricity — we only notice it when it is not there. We are doing this because we want this knowledge to be so embedded. And we are well on our way.”

During the celebration, Stevens called on several longtime friends whose stories have influenced thousands of people to learn more about trauma and its impact. One of those  friends is Jim Sporleder.

Jim Sporleder, Jim Sporleder Consulting

“In 2012, when I started ACEs Connection,” Stevens said, “it was less ACEs Connection, the social network, more ACEs Too High (the ACEs science news site also founded by Stevens). I was looking everywhere to find something that would lend itself to a story. And I saw this tiny little story in Walla Walla, Washington, about this principal of an alternative high school who had integrated ACEs science and thought, wow, how did that happen?

“I did an article about him and how he developed the plan with his staff, a small staff, a 200-person school. I posted it and I remember sitting there watching late into the night how many page views it was getting. And all of a sudden it zoomed up and was getting 10,000 an hour!

The story of Lincoln High School went viral and currently has had more than 900,000 page views. The story and a subsequent documentary, “Paper Tigers,” directed by the late James Redford and produced by KPJR Films, were vitally important in helping to start a movement toward trauma-informed schools. Here’s how Jom Sporleder, the principal featured in the documentary, explains it.

“I can remember being at Lincoln, and trying to change the culture at a very challenging school at that time. Our community champion, Teri Barila, asked me to a conference and it was the first time I’d heard about toxic stress. I thought that my discipline taught kids and didn’t punish them. I was able to hear Dr. John Medina as a keynote. The first time hearing about toxic stress and how it affects the brain blew my beliefs that behavior was a choice. He said, ‘It is not the students’ fault.’

“What that did to me was put me in front of a mirror and I had to say, ’Jim, you are punishing kids.’ And that meant I was hurting them. So I was searching everywhere. Teri Barila helped me see that what I had was a theory. She helped me put it into practice.

“The results were amazing. A committed staff got behind the program. And the community partners got behind it. What keeps the fire burning inside me is the kids. Our students. Instead of telling them what they were doing wrong, (telling them to) quit, and giving them the consequence and sending them out the door, and started asking them ‘What’s going on?’ and they started telling me, that drove connection. I was wondering, my god, how do they even make it to school?

“So my transformation was the kids, and their stories. As a staff we were so committed to creating a culture to help them transform. But what they gave back? I will never be able to match that.”

He also spoke of how Stevens had mentored him during a difficult time, when she said, “Jim, this is a new chapter,” as he was leaving public education as a principal. Stevens and Felitti told Jamie Redford to visit Lincoln High School, “and that is how “Paper Tigers” happened.”

“The one moment that continues to drive my conversation was when I truly understood the ‘power of one.’ The science directs us and shows us the power of one, whether it’s school or social services. If we can be that one caring adult, the power of one can change a lifepath from hoplesness to hope.”

Martha Davis, senior program officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Martha Davis, senior program officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, met Stevens in 2013 when ACEs Connection had 800 members.

“Congratulations to you and your team — all of you all who I know work so hard and have really built this against some pretty strong odds. You’re up against strong odds now, and I have full confidence in your odds to keep this afloat.”

Dave Ellis, executive director of the New Jersey Office of Resilience

Dave learned about ACEs when he went to a conference in California and stumbled into a room where Felitti was doing a presentation about the ACE Study. Like many who learned about ACEs science, he had to find a way to tell people about it. In 2012, Dave facilitated establishing the first training that Laura Porter and Dr. Rob Anda (co-founder of the ACE Study) did in the U.S., in Minnesota. These many years later, he has been tapped to lead the first state resilience office in the U.S. “It has been for me a great opportunity both to do the work and to learn,” said Dave. “There were so many things that were happening here before I got here. It is the only office of its kind. The Office of Resilience resides in the Department of Family and Children but we are not a part of a state agency. We actually infiltrate every state agency in New Jersey, and are pushing them towards becoming trauma-informed and healing-centered. So that’s the work.”

Chuck Price, founder, Blue Collar Consulting

As the former director of the Waupaca County (Illinois) Health and Human Services and vice president of the Wisconsin County Human Service Association, Chuck Price “made the public health department integrate ACEs science in a way I don’t think anybody had before,” said Stevens.

The county had a population of about 53,000 people. “We used ACEs science and trauma informed care to really transform the agency, to change the culture,” he said. We did it all for the people coming in the door. We wanted to be sure people were coming to us, the trusted entity. So we wanted to use the science to help folks feel trust.

“So we trained everybody in the agency on what is ACEs (science), what is trauma-informed care. And in doing that, in the helping profession, we find that 32% of our staff had four or more ACEs. So that put a whole different lens on staff support, to be able to do the work every day. We put a lot of work into changing our culture and supporting our staff through that, which in turn provided this incredible service back to the folks we are serving.

“It didn’t come easily at first, but it all made sense in terms of how do we want to run a health and human service agency. It really spoke to me and we had tons of support. At the time we had First Lady (Tonette) Walker, Casey Family Programs was really involved, and had the chance to meet Jim (Sporleder), who was a real mentor.

“We were lucky enough in time and place to be trailblazers.”

Judge Lynn Tepper, retired

Florida Judge Lynn Tepper talked about the impact ofSafe Baby Courts, and the work she and her colleague, Mimi Graham, Ph.D., director of Florida State University’s Center for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy, have done with children in Florida.

“Dr. Mimi Graham of Florida State University, who started the Early Childhood Center at Tallahassee is the one who introduced me (to ACEs science), and we started teaching whoever would let us teach it to judges, lawyers, stakeholders in the justice system.

“I did a lot of teaching and also worked with the National Council of Juvenile Family Court judges, and my court became a model court, so I had meetings nine times a year with local stakeholders. The stakeholders -- the ones who were touching people’s lives, be it within the schools, within the mental health, within the business community — they knew what toxic stress was, so that they understood the impact of trauma. This would  remind them that we need to stop asking ‘What did you do wrong?’ and instead ask ‘What happened to you?’

“We would bring in trauma informed therapists, and show “Paper Tigers,” and we had panels and invited large groups of people to see “Paper Tigers.” This became part of my court and other courts in my circuit. Our juvenile detention center is so trauma-informed that kids don’t want to go home.

“In  2018 we got Dr. Vincent Felitti to come in and teach all the circuit judges in the state. We did an anonymous ACEs survey and found that in 2018, circuit court judges had higher ACEs scores than the original 17,000 people from the first ACEs survey. But they always had high scores of resiliency.

“I still do lots of teaching, trying to embed this. I am trying to get my old law school and local university to embed in their education teaching trauma informed care and adverse childhood experiences. If we don’t teach the people who will become the social workers, lawyers, judges, we will lose a lot of people. When they see through a trauma lens, it will never be the same!”

You are ACEs Connection

Stevens then thanked the ACEs Connection staff and members of the site, saying “ACEs Connection is you and is obviously all the 50,000 people who are part of it.”

“I am so lucky to have gone with my gut on this and to have this come out of it. All we are doing is making sure this keeps going and we keep doing what Jim Sporleder said, which is making a difference and changing people’s lives, and bringing more light into their lives. And we can do that for the whole world, no doubt!”

The scores of people, comments, and thank-yous in the chat are uplifting, inspiring, and telling. Here they are, along with some of the resources mentioned during the call:


Name and location

15:01:07 From Becky Haas to Everyone : Johnson City TN

15:01:08 From Tina Hallock to Everyone : Ithaca NY

15:01:11 From Marisela Chavez to Everyone : Los Angeles

15:01:11 From Christa Detzel to Everyone : Plainfield, IN

15:01:11 From denise connors to Everyone : New Brunswick, Canada

15:01:14 From Madison McHugh to Everyone : Newark, NJ

15:01:14 From Ann Borowiec to Everyone : Summit New Jersey

15:01:14 From Tobi Newman to Everyone : Vancouver, BC, Canada

15:01:15 From Shawnette Goodman to Everyone : Lawrenceville NJ

15:01:15 From Martha Davis to Everyone : Philadelphia PA

15:01:15 From Karen Hayden to Everyone : Louisville, KY

15:01:16 From Emily Daniels to Everyone : Peterborough, NH

15:01:16 From Chuck Price to Everyone : Wisconsin Rapids WI

15:01:17 From Maria Margaritis to Everyone : Windsor, Ontario, Canada

15:01:18 From Melissa Backes to Everyone : Trenton NJ

15:01:19 From Clarissa Wentworth to Everyone : Redding, California

15:01:19 From Jim Sporleder to Everyone : Walla Walla, WA

15:01:20 From Tim Ryan to Everyone : Issaquah , WA.

15:01:21 From Charlea Wetzel to Everyone : New Jersey

15:01:22 From Alicia Bowker to Everyone : New Jersey!

15:01:22 From Dwana Young to Everyone : New Jersey!!

15:01:22 From Deb Timmerman to Everyone : Wayland, MI

15:01:23 From Michelle Kennedy to Everyone : Toms River NJ

15:01:23 From Judith Green to Everyone : New Jersey

15:01:24 From Rick Hager to Everyone : Rick Hager

Community Outreach Coordinator

Office of Communications, Legislative and Public Affairs

New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF)

PO Box 729

Trenton, NJ 08625

C:  (609) 947-7505

15:01:24 From CHRISTINE BRUGLER to Everyone : Ursuline MInistries, Youngstown, OH

15:01:25 From Melen Vue to Everyone : Sacramento, CA

15:01:25 From Susan Shaw to Everyone : St. Louis

15:01:25 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : Auckland, NZ

15:01:25 From Catherine Campbell to Everyone : Catherine Campbell, California

15:01:26 From Elizabeth Smith to Everyone : Sonoma County, California

15:01:26 From Jenna Quinn(she/hers) - ACEs Connection Staff to Everyone : Cambridge, MA

15:01:27 From Madison McHugh to Everyone : New Jersey!

15:01:27 From Teri Wellbrock to Everyone : Hilton Head Island, South Carolina!

15:01:30 From Jim Hickman to Everyone : Oakland, CA!

15:01:31 From Ann Boerth to Everyone : Minnesota

15:01:31 From Dawn Marlow to Everyone : New Jersey

15:01:33 From Carol Kirkbride to Everyone : New Jersey!

15:01:34 From Melissa McPheeters to Everyone : Tacoma, WA

15:01:34 From Gloria Richardson to Everyone : New Jersey

15:01:35 From Teresa Heyer to Everyone : Trenton NJ

15:01:36 From Teresa Barrett to Everyone : Montreal, Canada

15:01:36 From Lorna Minewiser to Everyone : Sacramento CA

15:01:37 From Aileen Journett to Everyone : Ridgefield Park, NJ

15:01:37 From Kelly Szewczyk to Everyone : NJ

15:01:38 From Katrina to Everyone : Edmonton Alberta Canada

15:01:38 From Sabrina Bristo-Wiggins to Everyone : Hi everyone. Sabrina Bristo-Wiggins from Durham North Carolina

15:01:39 From Natalie Audage to Everyone : Davis, California

15:01:41 From Lara Kain to Everyone : Los Angeles

15:01:41 From Elizabeth Prewitt to Everyone : Washington, DC

15:01:44 From steven mendez to Everyone : Belford, New Jersey

15:01:45 From Shawnette Goodman to Everyone : New Jersey

15:01:47 From RAYMOND LAMBERT to Everyone : Raymond in Ireland

15:01:49 From Mildred Class-Ramirez to Everyone : New Jersey

15:01:49 From Nancy Caruso to Everyone : NJ

15:01:51 From Adrian Alexander to Everyone : Caribbean

15:01:54 From Stephanie Ostrow to Everyone : NJ!

15:01:54 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : Sorry I don't have a camera!!

15:02:01 From Carol vivona to Everyone : Jeanne Vivona NJ

15:02:09 From Dan Press to Everyone : dan Press, Washington DC

What is your work or volunteer role?

15:02:26 From Deb Timmerman to Everyone : Consulting

15:02:27 From Ann Borowiec to Everyone : Education policy

15:02:28 From Martha Davis to Everyone : Philanthropy/Public Health

15:02:28 From Clarissa Wentworth to Everyone : Public Health

15:02:29 From denise connors to Everyone : healthcare

15:02:29 From Susan Shaw to Everyone : Social Services

15:02:32 From Dawn Marlow to Everyone : Child Welfare

15:02:32 From Maria Margaritis to Everyone : Education

15:02:32 From Mildred Class-Ramirez to Everyone : Child Protection

15:02:32 From Aileen Journett to Everyone : Child Protective Services (State)

15:02:32 From Kate Mackinnon to Everyone : Healthcare

15:02:33 From Madison McHugh to Everyone : Philanthropy

15:02:33 From Lara Kain to Everyone : ACEsConnection and Education

15:02:33 From Christa Detzel to Everyone : Wellness Counselor at a high School

15:02:34 From Amanda Coggin to Everyone : Amanda in Berkeley, CA - hospital chaplain

15:02:34 From Michelle Kennedy to Everyone : Child welfare

15:02:34 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : Education / advocacy

15:02:34 From steven mendez to Everyone : Child protection

15:02:35 From Rick Hager to Everyone : Rick Hager

Community Outreach Coordinator

15:02:35 From Madison McHugh to Everyone : philanthropy

15:02:35 From Carol vivona to Everyone : Social work

15:02:36 From Catherine Campbell to Everyone : Advocate - California Protective Parents Association

15:02:37 From Alicia Bowker to Everyone : Child Abuse Prevention - State Government

15:02:38 From Sabrina Bristo-Wiggins to Everyone : I'm in Social Services

15:02:38 From Shawnette Goodman to Everyone : Child Welfare

15:02:38 From Tim Ryan to Everyone : Family Support

15:02:38 From Alina Kitchell to Everyone : education/homeless/foster

15:02:40 From Lorna Minewiser to Everyone : Coaching and training

15:02:40 From Shawnette Goodman to Everyone : Department of Children and Families

15:02:41 From CHRISTINE BRUGLER to Everyone : Faith-Based and community outreach

15:02:42 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : social work

15:02:42 From Elizabeth Prewitt to Everyone : ACEs Connection….community organizing, media, etc.

15:02:44 From Tina Hallock to Everyone : family support in schools

15:02:45 From Nancy Caruso to Everyone : Child and Family Services State agency

15:02:46 From Chuck Price to Everyone : Child welfare/human services consulting

15:02:48 From Tobi Newman to Everyone : non-profit for at-risk youth

15:02:49 From Dwana Young to Everyone : DCF Office of Resilience

15:02:49 From Marisela Chavez to Everyone : TIC trainer/coach for child care providers

15:02:50 From Karen Hayden to Everyone : residential treatment

15:02:50 From Ann Boerth to Everyone : Government - Policy

15:02:50 From Tasneem Ismailji to Everyone : Tasneem Ismailji -health

15:02:52 From RAYMOND LAMBERT to Everyone : Complimentary therapies

15:02:52 From Elizabeth Smith to Everyone : A mix of it all

15:02:52 From Emily Daniels to Everyone : Founder, HERE this NOW

15:02:52 From Linda Manaugh to Everyone : Community Manager with Raising Resilient Oklahomans

15:02:54 From Teresa Barrett to Everyone : health coaching & fitness

15:02:55 From Gina Pearson to Everyone : Children Mental Health - Department of Children and Families

15:02:55 From James Encinas to Everyone : Education

15:02:56 From Charlea Wetzel to Everyone : Child Welfare

15:02:58 From Gloria Richardson to Everyone : Department of Children and Families

15:03:01 From Melissa Backes to Everyone : DCF Contracting

15:03:02 From Sofia Noncent-Johnson to Everyone : State Government- Substance Use (Prevention)

15:03:03 From Kaysie Getty to Everyone : Child Welfare

15:03:04 From Kathy Straley to Everyone : Social Service Children & Families

15:03:08 From Melissa McPheeters to Everyone : Head Start

15:03:08 From Stephanie Ostrow to Everyone : Child Care Resource and Referral Agency

15:03:14 From Lashea Brickle to Everyone : DCPP Essex Area Office, FC Project Court Liaison

15:03:25 From Teri Wellbrock to Everyone : The Healing Place Podcast host/producer, speaker, trauma-warrior, writer, therapy-dog handler

15:03:26 From Catherine Ali to Everyone : Conflict transformation

15:03:35 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : DCPP Newark NJ

15:03:42 From Tia Sanders to Everyone : Children's System of Care NJ

15:03:48 From Carol Kirkbride to Everyone : Children's system of care!

15:04:46 From Elizabeth Perry to Everyone : Elizabeth Perry Mi’kma’ki/Nova Scotia

15:05:03 From Joy Thomas to Everyone : Joy Thomas, ACE Resource Network, Philanthropy, Outreach, Awareness, Education, Empowerment

How did you feel when you learned about ACEs science?

15:05:07 From CHRISTINE BRUGLER to Everyone : ENERGIZED

15:05:10 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : When I learned about ACEs Science I was scared to death.

15:05:10 From Elizabeth Perry to Everyone : Relief

15:05:15 From Emily Daniels to Everyone : IT CHANGED MY LIFE!!!

15:05:16 From Deb Timmerman to Everyone : Finally understood my self

15:05:17 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : empowered,

15:05:20 From Teresa Barrett to Everyone : Aha!

15:05:20 From Ann Borowiec to Everyone : such common sense codified with research

15:05:20 From Marisela Chavez to Everyone : Not surprised

15:05:20 From Cissy White to Everyone : Life-changing validation!

15:05:21 From Carol Kirkbride to Everyone : understanding

15:05:21 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : Extremely excited

15:05:22 From Mary Giuliani to Everyone : Stunned,

15:05:23 From Kate Mackinnon to Everyone : validated

15:05:23 From Tim Ryan to Everyone : Solutions

15:05:24 From Tina Hallock to Everyone : compassionate, relieved, understanding

15:05:25 From Marisela Chavez to Everyone : relieved

15:05:25 From Amanda Coggin to Everyone : Relieved, heard, seen, a path forward, game changers

15:05:26 From James Encinas to Everyone : Life Changing

15:05:26 From Becky Haas to Everyone : Like I'd heard the cure for cancer.  It had to be urgently shared!

15:05:26 From Dwana Young to Everyone : motivated

15:05:27 From Charlea Wetzel to Everyone : Enlightening

15:05:27 From Christa Detzel to Everyone : Validated in terms of needing a more holistic approach to treatment

15:05:27 From Jim Sporleder to Everyone : Transforming

15:05:29 From Mildred Class-Ramirez to Everyone : Finally understood

15:05:31 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : I felt understood

15:05:31 From Martha Davis to Everyone : Mobilized and Ready

15:05:32 From Ann Boerth to Everyone : An AHA Moment

15:05:32 From Sharon Kelly to Everyone : eye-opening, hopeful, educational

15:05:33 From Lara Kain to Everyone : Aha

15:05:33 From Sofia Noncent-Johnson to Everyone : Confirmation

15:05:34 From denise connors to Everyone : All the pieces fell into place! Finally, the science means I can advocate for change in the healthcare system

15:05:35 From Gina Pearson to Everyone : vulnerable ; resilient; connected; strong; relieved; validated

15:05:36 From Mary Giuliani to Everyone : Deshaming

15:05:36 From Chuck Price to Everyone : Helped me transform an entire Human Service Dept!

15:05:39 From Shawnette Goodman to Everyone : enlightened

15:05:44 From Lorna Minewiser to Everyone : It helped me understand myself and clients.

15:05:45 From RAYMOND LAMBERT to Everyone : General & natural progression from being with Alice Miller

15:05:48 From Nancy Caruso to Everyone : Excited, very interested in learning more

15:05:49 From Elizabeth Perry to Everyone : Missing piece of the puzzle.

15:05:50 From Sabrina Bristo-Wiggins to Everyone : I was intrigued and excited. Changed the way I practice Social Work!

15:05:50 From Amanda Coggin to Everyone : Generational healing

15:05:51 From Tina Hallock to Everyone : not alone

15:05:51 From Catherine Campbell to Everyone : Named what we have all seen - lives will be saved!

15:05:52 From Karen Hayden to Everyone : Clarity and why is it not part of education and any human service pedagogy

15:05:58 From Susan Shaw to Everyone : Alarmed about the consequences, but made so much sense

15:06:02 From Dawn Marlow to Everyone : healing

15:06:08 From Elizabeth Perry to Everyone : Set me on my legacy project path.

15:06:11 From Elizabeth Smith to Everyone : Relief, validation, I wasn't alone, hope, inspired, purpose

15:06:29 From Teri Wellbrock to Everyone : Validated. Excited for connections/resources. Inspirational guests for the podcast!

15:06:33 From Marisela Chavez to Everyone : finally ACEs being validated and working on moving forward

15:06:34 From Elizabeth Prewitt to Everyone : stunned, amazed, enlightened, made common sense, understood myself and family,

15:06:53 From Peter Chiavetta to Everyone : aces would save this nation.

15:06:55 From Drew Factor to Everyone : the lens through which I see the world shifted

15:06:56 From Dianne Couts to Everyone : I was relieved for myself and became more helpful to others.

15:07:04 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : Connected

15:07:12 From Emily Daniels to Everyone : Love what you said, Peter!

15:07:18 From Natalie Audage to Everyone : Like everyone needed to know about it!

15:07:20 From CHRISTINE BRUGLER to Everyone : hello my west-coast friend!

How did you feel when you learned about ACEs science?

15:07:44 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : Found my tribe!

15:07:46 From Marisela Chavez to Everyone : grateful

15:07:47 From Tina Hallock to Everyone : CONNECTED!!

15:07:47 From Christa Detzel to Everyone : Excited for the resource

15:07:48 From Tia Sanders to Everyone : clarity

15:07:49 From Martha Davis to Everyone : Thrilled and connected

15:07:49 From Becky Haas to Everyone : Like I met long lost family members

15:07:50 From Lara Kain to Everyone : My people!

15:07:51 From Deb Timmerman to Everyone : Empowered and connected

15:07:56 From Ann Borowiec to Everyone : Collaborative movements are so powerful

15:07:57 From Rafael Maravilla to Everyone : Finally!!

15:07:57 From Karen Hayden to Everyone : Stumbled on it when doing research

15:07:59 From denise connors to Everyone : stumbled upon a treasure trove of resources!

15:07:59 From Maria Margaritis to Everyone : I didn’t know it was a movement! Very excited!

15:08:00 From Teresa Barrett to Everyone : Community

15:08:02 From Mary Giuliani to Everyone : I finally have a safe community who understands me!!!

15:08:04 From Melissa Backes to Everyone : Hopeful

15:08:06 From ACEs Connection to Everyone : “What an amazing community of caring and passionate people!"

15:08:06 From Emily Daniels to Everyone : Thrilled that there was someplace that I could find others like ME!  Nerd out and be supported!

15:08:09 From Catherine Campbell to Everyone : Bravo to Jane to bring us all together and move to change and healing.

15:08:09 From Dwana Young to Everyone : The LinkedIn of ACEs Resources

15:08:09 From Lorna Minewiser to Everyone : Relieved, excited, curious, and welcomed

15:08:11 From CHRISTINE BRUGLER to Everyone : Community and Connection!!

15:08:12 From Drew Factor to Everyone : I found my people!

15:08:12 From RAYMOND LAMBERT to Everyone : Wonderful family and forum to join with. End of isolation !

15:08:13 From Cissy White to Everyone : Thrilled to have communications among ALL no matter education, past, etc.

15:08:14 From Rumyana Kudeva to Everyone : belonging to a bigger than me movement

15:08:15 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : I found a reason why I was as I am

15:08:16 From Jim Sporleder to Everyone : There would be no Paper Tigers without Jane

15:08:16 From Chuck Price to Everyone : Great to have a network of rockstars to tap into!

15:08:20 From Sofia Noncent-Johnson to Everyone : We are more alike than different!

15:08:23 From Gina Pearson to Everyone : Found grace and accountability

15:08:24 From Clarissa Wentworth to Everyone : Excited to connect with so many passionate people around the world

15:08:28 From Mary Lou Lamont to Everyone : learning and extending my understanding of ACES and affect on lives

15:08:30 From Sabrina Bristo-Wiggins to Everyone : I was thrilled to learn what other communities are doing to educate people and find new resources for my practice

15:08:30 From Dawn Marlow to Everyone : like having another family

15:08:32 From tian dayton to Everyone : Glad you were doing this

15:08:39 From Elizabeth Prewitt to Everyone : that one person, Jane Stevens, could see what was needed and made it happened…

15:08:41 From Elizabeth Perry to Everyone : I felt I found my community. I wasn’t doing it alone.

15:08:42 From James Encinas to Everyone : It has become a great resource and connection with great individuals.

15:08:48 From Donna Nakazawa to Everyone : So grateful to meet Jane and see her taking this science into the world in a way that changed the world

15:08:50 From Peter Chiavetta to Everyone : the connection gave me the support to push envelope.

15:08:56 From Amanda Coggin to Everyone : The only way to truly heal is in relationship, and ACEsConnwcction could help with that.

15:08:57 From Sue Shaw to Everyone : Connections!!!

15:09:09 From Teri Wellbrock to Everyone : Beautiful community of survivors, thrivers, advocates and inspirational souls!

15:09:34 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : Finally feel understood

15:09:37 From RAYMOND LAMBERT to Everyone : Hi Jane !

15:09:54 From Cissy White to Everyone : Love These!!!

15:10:00 From Kate Mackinnon to Everyone : Cheers Jane! You’re a rockstar

15:11:01 From Martha Davis to Everyone : Jane's hard work, perseverance and love have built a movement. Thank you Jane!

15:11:03 From Emily Daniels to Everyone : Thank you, Jane!!!  You gave my voice a place to be heard

15:12:01 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : Ohhh, the things you have done and started, Jane. Thank you for giving me HOPE

15:12:53 From Dianne Couts to Everyone : What, How, Why - I love the Golden Circle!

15:13:09 From Linda Manaugh to Everyone : Thanks to Jane and the entire AC team for all you have made possible through this amazing community!

15:14:51 From Elizabeth Perry to Everyone : You give us a place to gather.

15:15:19 From RAYMOND LAMBERT to Everyone : Hi Cissy !

15:15:38 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : Stopping Generational Trauma!

15:16:00 From Emily Daniels to Everyone : Love seeing you Cis!!  You were on my mind this morning!

15:16:18 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : I love figuring it out together!!!

15:16:21 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : Thank you so much to our donors, supporters, members!

15:16:31 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : Your being here is a gift!

15:16:32 From CHRISTINE BRUGLER to Everyone : Such AWESOME staff! <3

15:16:49 From Teri Wellbrock to Everyone : I feel the same . . . it takes a village. Thank you for creating this one. So many inspirational trauma-warriors and healing advocates.

15:20:03 From Lynn Tepper to Everyone : Often when I teach, I quote from the powerful and memorable shared stories on ACEs Connection. It makes such an impact

15:20:13 From Madison McHugh, Turrell Fund to Everyone : Go Ann! Thank you for representing the NJ ACEs work and being part of the community.

15:20:43 From Alison Cebulla (she/her) - ACEs Connection to Everyone :

15:20:59 From Alison Cebulla (she/her) - ACEs Connection to Everyone : Check out the NJ Resiliency Coalition! Join! They are doing so much!

15:21:57 From gail kennedy to Everyone : YAY!!!  GO NJ!!!!

15:22:16 From Becky Haas to Everyone : Fabulous work NJ!

15:22:42 From Martha Davis to Everyone : Proud to work in NJ!! Congrats NJ team!

15:22:46 From Madison McHugh, Turrell Fund to Everyone : Dwana, the Office of Resilience is exemplary and so are you!

15:22:55 From Elizabeth Perry to Everyone : Once it gets accepted by governments and funded, momentum moves exponentially. We need this in Canada.

15:23:46 From Chuck Price to Everyone : NJ doing some amazing work, amazing leadership!

15:24:02 From Dianne Couts to Everyone : Thank you, Diana.

15:24:14 From Virginia Hayman to Everyone : Good evening everyone

15:24:20 From Jenna Quinn(she/hers) - ACEs Connection Staff to Everyone : Amazing work & words Dwana! Excited for the NJ event next week

15:24:23 From Ericka Dickerson to Everyone : Awesome Job Dwana!! You represent NJ well!! One Band One Sound!!!

15:24:30 From Elizabeth Prewitt to Everyone : Might find this story of interest about New Jersey:

15:25:29 From Cissy White to Everyone : Beautiful site and work - Dwana!

15:25:32 From Dianne Couts to Everyone : Dwana - Thank you - Impressive site as well.

15:26:27 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : YES Dwana! Great work!

15:26:37 From Dwana Young to Everyone : Please note that all emails send on the site will directly go to my email

15:26:58 From Ann Borowiec to Everyone : Dwana, So exciting what you are doing here in NJ. Ann

15:27:04 From Elizabeth Prewitt to Everyone : Great New Jersey site…so much news and inspiration

15:27:04 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : Love the pearls Carey!

15:27:16 From RAYMOND LAMBERT to Everyone : Jim Sporleder ! I want to stop and salute you all especially here tonight. Alone I think I am with the view, that Paper Tigers *IS* the most important film/documentary on the market, if we want to deal with schools, institutions, prisons, and even, the general population. THANK YOU !  Raymond from Ireland

15:28:05 From Jim Hickman to Everyone : Jane Stevens = “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

15:29:21 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : This is God sent for me!! My prayers answered!

15:29:24 From Dwana Young to Everyone :

15:29:32 From Margaret Gismonde to Everyone : DCP & P-Camden South-Resource Development Specialist

15:30:17 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : Thank you Dwana!

15:30:20 From RAYMOND LAMBERT to Everyone : So happy to get validation for my point of view, that Paper Tigers IS so important. Thank you for this Jane

15:30:43 From Alison Cebulla (she/her) - ACEs Connection to Everyone : Sure!

15:30:49 From Mildred Class-Ramirez to Everyone : Please share the link to that story. Thanks.

15:30:58 From Dwana Young to Everyone : Paper Tigers 🐅

15:31:17 From jane stevens to Carey Sipp(Direct Message) :

15:31:26 From jane stevens to Everyone :

15:31:35 From Maria Margaritis to Everyone : Brain Rules! So great.

15:31:36 From Karen Clemmer to Everyone : See Paper Tigers for free on Amazon Prime

15:31:45 From Teri Wellbrock to Everyone : I call you the trauma-informed guru! Just love you, Jim, and am so grateful to know you and now call you my friend. Such a gift you offer with your light and work. Thank you!

15:32:08 From Lara Kain to Everyone : Same Teri

15:32:13 From Carey Sipp to Everyone :

15:32:29 From gail kennedy to Everyone : and this story about a webinar that Jim did with us:

15:32:36 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : And the documentary Paper Tigers is available on Amazon Prime!

15:32:59 From Kathryn Stinely to Everyone : Paper Tigers and your work has been shared throughout our district's health services.  Has really shifted the way we approach so many student issues.  Thank you for all you have done.

15:33:31 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : Link to Paper Tigers on Amazon Prime Video|m_DuSBHKksc_c256091339273&gclid=CjwKCAiAp4KCBhB6EiwAxRxbpGH_WbK4LPmDhvfMgeejq1fx4fp27tbBeRmHMPwZ4o7VEnge09W7dxoCW3QQAvD_BwE

15:34:15 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : Paper Tigers is free for members of Amazon Prime.

15:34:31 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : Right!!! Not why he or she is acting that way, but instead what happened to he or she!!!

15:34:33 From Karen Clemmer to Everyone : Maria Margaritis - LOVE your background screen OXOXO

15:35:20 From Maria Margaritis to Everyone : Thank you Karen Clemmer!

15:35:27 From Elizabeth Prewitt to Everyone : This is so moving, what an inspiration.  Thank you Jim and Jane.

15:35:39 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : God bless James Redford and KPJR!

15:35:46 From Maria Margaritis to Everyone : typo

15:35:46 From Elizabeth Perry to Everyone : Jane makes things happen.

15:35:50 From Cissy White to Everyone : I love hearing this!!!!

15:36:34 From CHRISTINE BRUGLER to Everyone : Jane is the Master Connector! <3

15:36:47 From Lara Kain to Everyone : #betheone

15:36:50 From Teri Wellbrock to Everyone : #onecaringadult

15:36:53 From Lynn Tepper to Everyone : or a court setting.

15:36:54 From Teri Wellbrock to Everyone : I talk about it often

15:37:02 From Teri Wellbrock to Everyone : so so important

15:37:28 From Maria Margaritis to Everyone : I heard about Paper Tigers and TI Practices through the Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children and Adolescents & Star Commonwealth

15:37:55 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : I do the  same Jim!

15:37:59 From Lynn Tepper to Everyone : absolutely! I did the same thing… no matter who I come in connection with. giving HOPE and connections

15:38:09 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : YES Judge Tepper!

15:38:26 From Dianne Couts to Everyone : So many people are beaten down all day, every day. A smile, a kind word, an affirmation can mean the world to people we meet.

15:38:37 From Elizabeth Perry to Everyone : Relationships, relationships, relationships. How are we interacting with each other?

15:38:56 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : JUST ONE!

15:39:00 From Teri Wellbrock to Everyone : I love it. When I visited Denver to see my son, my uber driver builds schools in Africa in his off time. He has a Netflix show about him. So awesome!

15:39:02 From Lynn Tepper to Everyone : the other key in these individual connections I find is, it helps to lift the shame that society and others have put on them

15:39:18 From Mary Lou Lamont to Everyone : love that.  wrapped in love

15:39:21 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : Again, AMEN Judge Tepper. Lifting shame is life-saving.

15:39:29 From gail kennedy to Everyone :

15:39:32 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : Support systems are crucial

15:39:39 From Emily Daniels to Everyone : Jim, you have been an incredible friend, mentor, and leader in this movement.  Very grateful for you!  Will always be1

15:39:50 From Karen Clemmer to Everyone : #ACEs #ACEsScience

15:39:56 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : Amen Emily!

15:40:10 From Mildred Class-Ramirez to Everyone : I connected to one person and she told me that my words stopped her from ending her life. Completely amazed and all I did was talk and smile.

15:40:13 From Rafael Maravilla to Everyone : #PCEs

15:40:21 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : God Bless you Jim!!

15:40:22 From Teri Wellbrock to Everyone : Agree, Emily!

15:40:31 From Chuck Price to Everyone : Thank you for your friendship and mentorship Jim!  Forever grateful!

15:40:35 From Elizabeth Perry to Everyone : You’re the best Jim.

15:40:36 From Jonathan Wilson to Everyone : Good morning from Tokyo

15:40:40 From Karen Clemmer to Everyone : CHEERS to Jim!!

15:40:51 From Becky Haas to Everyone : Jim has inspired us all!!

15:40:53 From Lara Kain to Everyone : Can't wait to see you in person again Jim!

15:41:01 From Virginia Hayman to Everyone : thank you so much Jim, powerful words

15:42:01 From Lynn Tepper to Everyone : Your experience, Jim Sporleder, helped to open the eyes of so many key stakeholders in our Communities in Florida when we showed the Paper Tigers a few years ago.Thank you!

15:42:11 From Tim Ryan to Everyone : Amazing leaders, thanks so much!

15:42:50 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : My new Movement!!!!

15:43:16 From Jonathan Wilson to Carey Sipp(Direct Message) : Hi Carey - joining in late

15:44:40 From denise connors to Everyone : THe wise women club!!

15:44:47 From Jonathan Wilson to Carey Sipp(Direct Message) : Japan

15:45:05 From Jonathan Wilson to Carey Sipp(Direct Message) : OpSAFE International

15:45:51 From Dan Press to Everyone : Jane — Thank you for all you have done. You were available to answer all my uninformed questions way back 6 or 7 years ago when I was just trying to learn about ACEs and have been an inspiration ever since. You and your wonderful team are a joy to work  with.

15:46:31 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : On WISCONSIN! The first Trauma Informed STATE!

15:47:27 From Mary Lou Lamont to Everyone : That is very interesting to learn.

15:48:05 From tian dayton to Everyone : I am so touched by hearing about the work you are doing with kids and in communities

15:48:14 From Karen Hayden to Everyone : My organization is in the process of becoming Sanctuary Certified which is a trauma informed organization framework.

15:48:30 From Jim Sporleder to Everyone : Chuck is the real deal, contact him as an amazing resource. A true warrior for those we serve.

15:49:56 From Alison Cebulla (she/her) - ACEs Connection to Everyone : Learn more about Dave Ellis and his role here:

15:49:59 From Becky Haas to Everyone : Go Chuck!  We have been so inspired by your work!

15:50:46 From Lara Kain to Everyone : Infiltrate!

15:50:48 From Mary Lou Lamont to Everyone : Impressive

15:50:48 From gail kennedy to Everyone : So much to learn from NJ!

15:51:02 From Dwana Young to Everyone : That’s my BOSS!!

15:51:12 From Maria Margaritis to Everyone : Gail, I was just thinking the same thing! I want to move there!

15:51:15 From Sabrina Bristo-Wiggins to Everyone : i love it: infiltrate the state agencies!

15:51:59 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : Many thanks to all the ACES Connection staff as well...just had a zoom with Jenna. Also get support for community managers from Alison Cebulla, Karen Clemmer, Donielle Prince, Lara Kain, Gail Kennedy, Ingrid Cockran…..apologies for misspelling of names I do it with love There are so many more who have helped me set up as a community manager here in NZ

15:52:05 From gail kennedy to Everyone : I really love how they are not embedded in any state agency. that is SO IMPORTANT!

15:52:15 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : Aces Connection is GLOBAL!!!!

15:52:50 From Karen Clemmer to Everyone : Adriana van Altvorst OXOXOX Thank YOU!!

15:53:00 From Alison Cebulla (she/her) - ACEs Connection to Everyone : Thanks Adriana!

15:53:15 From Carey Sipp to jane stevens(Direct Message) : Also Jonathan Wilson from OPsafe in JAPAN - helping us take ACEs to Japan. 6 a.m there.

15:53:16 From James Encinas to Everyone : Great to see you Dave, Happy to hear that you are bringing the work to New Jersey.

15:53:41 From Donielle (she/hers) to Everyone : Sharing about Judge Tepper’s work, via the ACEs Connection story, made such a big splash at a presentation I did for federal public defenders in CA. Such amazing, compelling work!

15:53:51 From Sarah Peyton to Everyone : It’s been such an amazing, radical pleasure to be here today and to hear all the folks sharing their work and passion - it’s balm for my soul. Just a note about the free Resonance Summit March 18-21 with keynoters Stephen Porges, Deb Dana, Bonnie Badenoch and Ruth Lanius, all speaking about the power of relational connection to heal trauma and make brains good places to live.

15:54:09 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : I share the information with relevant people in NZ....consistently persistent….that is how we learn getting repeated exposure to good practice and better ways

15:54:09 From Carey Sipp to Sarah Peyton(Direct Message) : SO glad you are here!

15:54:33 From Sarah Peyton to Carey Sipp(Direct Message) : It brings me to tears to be here - thank you for inviting me-

15:54:33 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : Baby Courts so valuable ….trying to get that into NZ too

15:54:42 From Donielle (she/hers) to Everyone : Thanks for being such a consistent ambassador - champion! - Adriana!

15:55:01 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : We need Rotary International to become a “channel partner”

15:55:12 From Karen Clemmer to Everyone : Love and humility

15:55:34 From Hyacinth Charles to Everyone : Could a nation wide focus on teaching Police Officers toxic stress make a difference in the way they work?

If you could say anything to Jane Stevens, what would you say?

15:56:03 From Sarah Peyton to Everyone : Bone deep gratitude - cellular gratitude!

15:56:05 From CHRISTINE BRUGLER to Everyone : THANK YOU JANE!!

15:56:08 From denise connors to Everyone : Thank you for your vision, mentorship and perseverance!

15:56:09 From Alison Cebulla (she/her) - ACEs Connection to Everyone : I would say thank you for the large scope and vision!

15:56:10 From Elizabeth Perry to Everyone : I just did a webinar for social workers in Canada and we had 800 register. This is how the work can move when we finally get enough people interested. It just explodes.

15:56:14 From Rafael Maravilla to Everyone : Thank you! (hug)

15:56:14 From Amanda Coggin to Everyone : Yes! @Lynn!

15:56:22 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : I am a consistent ambassador....I learned from great role models and fully supported

15:56:23 From Deb Timmerman to Everyone : Thanks for being a trailblazer!

15:56:24 From Becky Haas to Everyone : Heartfelt thanks Jane for your leadership and friendship!  5,000 strong WILL happen

15:56:24 From tian dayton to Carey Sipp(Direct Message) : Love your focus on getting the trauma informed care and understanding in the agencies and institutions of the communities, it’s worth everything

15:56:34 From James Encinas to Everyone : THANK YOU JANE!!!

15:56:40 From RAYMOND LAMBERT to Everyone : Thank you Jane. And delighted to see you looking so well 

15:56:48 From Donielle (she/hers) to Everyone : Thank you for your vision and perseverance Jane!

15:56:48 From tian dayton to Carey Sipp(Direct Message) : And same to you Carey and Allison for your dedication!

15:56:51 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : Ripple effect.....

15:57:03 From Jim Sporleder to Everyone : Jane, thank you for being such a wonderful friend, mentor, resource and such an amazing national leader.

15:57:27 From Lorna Minewiser to Everyone : Thank you for all you've done and all you do.

15:57:27 From Lara Kain to Everyone : Such an honor to work here!

15:57:34 From Tobi Newman to Everyone : Thank you so much, Jane.

15:57:34 From Elizabeth Perry to Everyone : Thank you Jane for your courage and vision.

15:57:37 From Martha Davis to Everyone : Jane you are a friend, mentor, visionary leader, brave warrior.  Thank you!

15:57:37 From Ann Borowiec to Everyone : great leadership

15:57:43 From Jarett White to Everyone : great job!! thank you!!

15:57:43 From Sue Shaw to Everyone : Thank you for being a lifeline for so many!

15:57:43 From Sylvia Paull to Everyone : Jane, you did it and are changing the world.

15:57:51 From Marisela Chavez to Everyone : Thank you to all who bring TIC to the world!

15:57:52 From Lynn Tepper to Everyone : Jane Stevens idea has transformed the lives of innumerable individuals as well as for generations to come

15:57:52 From Becky Haas to Everyone : Wonderful staff!!  Love them all

15:57:53 From Virginia Hayman to Everyone : Thank you for all of your hard work throughout the years.  I appreciate it.

15:57:56 From Rumyana Kudeva to Everyone : Thank you for making a path for all of us.

15:57:56 From Mary Giuliani to Everyone : Thanks you so much Jane for being such a huge catalyst in transforming my life and the lives of millions of other with childhood trauma!

15:57:57 From Sharon Kelly to Everyone : Thank you for you patience and commitment to sharing this with all to better our world.

15:57:57 From Jim Sporleder to Everyone : Wow! What an amazing team of compassionate, and gifted staff.

15:57:58 From Hyacinth Charles to Everyone : Awesome vision and determination.  I imagine it wasn’t easy initially.  Congratulations!!!!!!

15:58:00 From Tim Ryan to Everyone : Fabulous Work Jane and Team

15:58:07 From Mary Lou Lamont to Everyone : Thank You Jane.  Just started learning about ACEs and appreciate connecting here

15:58:13 From Tia Sanders to Everyone : Thank you for the courage to think outside the box and for risk everything to you did to challenge the paradigm necessary to change the world. thank you for applying knowledge in a practical life changing way.

15:58:15 From Teri Wellbrock to Everyone : Thank you, Jane, for this inspirational community of hope, healing, and resilience-building tools. Just . . . thank you!

15:58:16 From Jim Hickman to Everyone : Thank you, Jane, and the Aces Connections team, for bringing us together with you on this journey!

15:58:19 From Dr. Cynthia Samuel PhD, RN to Everyone : So glad I joined.  Heartfelt congratulations for a job truly well done!!

15:58:20 From Mildred Class-Ramirez to Everyone : Thank you Jane for your vision and dedication. This will help many.

15:58:20 From Amanda Coggin to Everyone : Thank you, Jane, for helping to shift our society from suffering to healing

15:58:21 From Karen Hayden to Everyone : Jane your purpose launched a platform that will leave a legacy of compassion for overcoming childhood adversity!

15:58:28 From Karen Clemmer to Everyone : Grateful to be a part of this important work!

15:58:29 From Maria Margaritis to Everyone : Thank you for being genuine and passionate about this work. A role model leader.

15:58:29 From denise connors to Everyone : Cissy! Don't forget Cissy

15:58:32 From Natalie Audage to Everyone : I'm so grateful to know you and your wonderful work. It's an honor to work with ACEs Connection!

15:58:36 From Jeoffry Gordon to Everyone : Jane, Thanks for all your work and inspiration.Building a great compassionate community

15:58:36 From Catherine Campbell to Everyone : Jane, thank you for following your heart and being the catalyst for moving ACEs forward.  We all benefit from your love and care.  I am forever grateful for you!

15:58:38 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : I am in love with the Movement!!!

15:58:38 From Clarissa Wentworth to Everyone : Thank you for creating such a huge community! You have provided me with so much information that I've been incorporating into my work and life

15:58:45 From Dave Ellis to Everyone : Exceptionally GREAT work!!!

15:58:45 From Daniel Sumrok to Everyone : The work is changing medical care ,addictions care,education, justice and corrections where I live.

15:58:47 From Sabrina Bristo-Wiggins to Everyone : Thank you Jane for your vision and the audacity to believe in it! ACES Connection and this network have been a wonderful resource!

15:58:51 From Elizabeth Prewitt to Everyone : Jane has been my friend and mentor since 8th grade…how lucky can a person be?

15:58:58 From Daniel Sumrok to Everyone : Love Jane!

15:58:59 From Donna Nakazawa to Everyone : Jane you’re a brilliant genius of creating and connection, coupled with the biggest and kindest heart — and you never stop using both to change the planet one heart one community at a time. Congratulations Jane! I love you! Such a joy to know you and witness how you are changing the world. Much love.

15:59:04 From tian dayton to Carey Sipp(Direct Message) : and Carey Sipp….

15:59:05 From Kathryn Stinely to Everyone : Thank you so much for being a conduit of information and role model for how to be a change agent.  The ripple effects of your work will continue to touch untold numbers of lives.

15:59:14 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : Hello Dave!!! Love the work you do!! Thank you!!

15:59:27 From Becky Haas to Everyone : We love you!!

15:59:28 From Alison Cebulla (she/her) - ACEs Connection to Everyone : I couldn’t fit all staff in the spotlight!

15:59:34 From Teresa Barrett to Everyone : Thank you, Jane! You and your team inspiring hope and inspiration... with love from Canada (Quebec)

15:59:36 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : Jane , you are a great work and walk with us, you support us and connect us. You strengthen us so that we can stand strong as one. For we do not stand as one we stand as many.

15:59:39 From Laurie Udesky to Everyone : Love you too Jane!

15:59:42 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : Thank you Jane!! We appreciate you!!!

15:59:50 From Lara Kain to Everyone : Hugs!

16:00:17 From Carey Sipp to Everyone : Thank you Jonathon Wilson for being here from Japan!

16:00:31 From Elizabeth Smith to Everyone : I can't wait to meet you one day! Thank you for making this all happen. Opening doors for communication and connecting people. You are a true inspiration to me. P.S. your staff rocks, especially my amazing mentor Karen

16:00:54 From Karen Clemmer to Everyone : OXOXO Elizabeth

16:01:02 From Myra Halpern to Everyone : Thank you so much! Aloha!

16:01:14 From Martha Davis to Everyone : A wonderful celebration. Goodbye everyone!

16:01:19 From Teri Wellbrock to Everyone : Congrats on 50K . . . yay! I'll promote the news on my social media!

16:01:21 From Leida Arce to Everyone : Thank you for your perseverance, bringing this knowledge to the masses.  Those with ACEs no longer feel alone.  Awesome!

16:01:26 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : Thank you Alison!!

16:01:27 From RAYMOND LAMBERT to Everyone : Thank you EVERYONE who organized this !

16:01:32 From CHRISTINE BRUGLER to Everyone : ACEsConnection is the WIND BENEATH MY WINGS!

16:01:36 From Maria Margaritis to Everyone : Alison Cebulla, thank you for convincing me to be a CM! I have learned so much from everyone!

16:01:39 From Becky Haas to Everyone : Grateful to Jane and so many here that have become friends and mentors.  xo

16:01:46 From James Encinas to Carey Sipp(Direct Message) : Way to go Carey!

16:01:54 From Elizabeth Perry to Everyone : Thanks for hosting this opportunity to celebrate all we do collectively.

16:01:56 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : To all of us for joining in and doing our bit.....together we have made this possible under the leadership of Jane and her staff

16:02:08 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : Later All!

16:02:34 From Becky Haas to Everyone : We love Dan Press!!

16:02:55 From Charlea Wetzel to Everyone : Thank you and Congratulations....

16:02:59 From tian dayton to Carey Sipp(Direct Message) : Giving this WORKBOOK away…….

16:03:13 From Dwana Young to Everyone : Trying to safe the chat. Please advise

16:03:28 From Ann Boerth to Everyone : Thank you Jane & ACEsConnection for all your support!

16:03:30 From Lynn Tepper to Everyone : we have been working on some legislation in FL this session that would incorporate ACEs and Trauma assessments and E-B TIC. fingers crossed

16:03:31 From Jenna Quinn(she/hers) - ACEs Connection Staff to Everyone : Dwana, I can email you the chat if you'd like!

16:03:39 From Sabrina Bristo-Wiggins to Everyone : Trying to save the chat but unable to do so

16:03:48 From Gina Pearson to Everyone : Dwana, click the three dots next to “file”

16:04:02 From Gina Pearson to Everyone : then click “”save chat”

16:04:07 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : Save the chat

16:04:11 From Alison Cebulla (she/her) - ACEs Connection to Everyone : I can send a link to all who registered to the recording and that will include the chat

16:04:13 From Marcia Stanton to Everyone : Jane, my upmost respect for all you've done and continue to do. You're such an inspiration to all. I'm so fortunate to know you. Much love to you!.

16:04:14 From Becky Haas to Everyone : Love you Carey!

16:04:15 From Sabrina Wright-Belser to Everyone : Hello Onieka!!!

16:04:18 From Lynn Tepper to Everyone : Dr Daniel Sumrock…. rocks! he changes the conversation in a critical way.

16:04:22 From Alison Cebulla (she/her) - ACEs Connection to Everyone : It won’t be lost!

16:04:23 From Elizabeth Prewitt to Everyone : Thank you Carey.

16:04:28 From Teri Wellbrock to Everyone : Thanks for the shout out, Carey! Love and hugs your way!

16:04:45 From Karen Clemmer to Everyone : We all love you Rafael!

16:04:46 From Adriana van Altvorst to Everyone : Thanks Rafael.....

16:04:50 From Maria Margaritis to Everyone : Rafael I read all your blogs! Amazing work!

16:04:54 From Lynn Tepper to Everyone : Thank you Jane and Carey!

Following the call, Stevens and staff members talked about the celebration and how much it meant to them for so many people to have joined during the workday. Stevens was quick to say, "For members who missed this celebration, just wait until next year, We'll celebrate 10 years of ACEs Connection!"


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