"Obviously, keeping violent offenders away from potential victims is one goal, and retribution or punishment is another, but beyond that, is the jail a warehouse or is it a place of rehabilitation?...
"So, according to science, what does work?...
"So, what do we know so far? Well, as a base, we know that nothing works every time or on every offender. Secondly, some things that we think should work, actually do more harm than good and increase the rates at which offenders return to jail. We also know that if we do everything right, we will, at best, still only lower the recidivism rate by 30 to 40%.
"According to literature put out by the National Institute of Corrections and many others in the field, the research indicates that for a correctional system to be effective at reducing recidivism it must adhere to three core concepts:
1. Collaboration between all law criminal justice partners
2. Organizational development - this means that all organizations involved must be on the same page and buy into the plan.
3. All partners involved need to engage in evidence-based practices. These practices are listed below.
"It is important to understand that the following six components are all integrated. They all depend on each other to work...."
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h/t AC member Loren Taylor. TY!
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