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6 ways tech is changing how we help people with mental illness []



Though it's often downplayed or even mocked, mental illness is a serious medical condition, and it isn't getting the attention it needs in the US. One in four adults experiences a mental health disorder in a given year, and one in 17 have serious chronic mental illnesses, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

But only 60% of adults with a serious mental illness received mental health services in the past year, and only about 50% of youth age 8 to 15 received some sort of treatment. Add in the number of homeless people and prisoners who don't receive the treatment they need for their conditions, and it's obvious that there is a problem in the US with getting people the treatment they need.

Digital health is allowing for every medical industry to expand its reach and accessibility, and that presents a great opportunity for mental health services. Here are 7 things to know about this growing potential of providing mental health services online.


[For more of this story, written by Lyndsey Gilpin, go to]


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