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A Better Normal: Healing Trauma Through Music with Nick Larson - Friday, Aug 14th at Noon PT


Please join us for the ongoing community discussion of A Better Normal, our series in which we envision the future as trauma-informed. 

Friday, August 14th, 2020 
12pm PT // 1pm MT // 2pm CT // 3pm ET
Hosted by Alison Cebulla and facilitated by Cissy White of ACEs Connection with Guest Nick Larson, lead singer of band Próxima Parada.

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"Before any of us had the vocabulary to define ACEs [ACEs = adverse childhood experiences], we were using music as the language of healing." - Cissy White, ACEs Connection, Community Manager

I am excited to bring Próxima Parada lead singer and long-time friend Nick Larson to A Better Normal for a conversation on Healing Trauma Through Music. Their latest album includes a song about growing up with alcoholism in the family in a transformative and healing way that only music can do. There is an awareness throughout the album that pain can be transformed into beauty, the importance of connection, and the pain beneath habits and negative coping strategies. 

The discussion will focus on some of the following themes:

  • Music that heals--specific songs, bands, and albums that helped us cope in childhood and adulthood and why
  • The calling to be an artist and how that calling intertwined with the calling to be a healer: helping people feel and experience a whole range of human emotions from pain to joy
  • The personal stories of trauma transformation behind some of Nick's songs


Próxima Parada’s latest release, Kind Reminder, is 10 songs that help us overcome personal struggles, affirm life, access joy in the present moment, and find peace. Their songs are about acceptance and vulnerability in one form or another, and in every song, the music says just as much as the lyrics. Próxima Parada specializes in music that is both meaningful and a hell of a lot of fun. Starting in 2012 as a group of college friends wanting to extend their dynamic to their community in San Luis Obispo, CA, they never dreamed that they would tour nationally, perform at festivals, and that their music would soothe and uplift people around the world, with 150,000 monthly listens on Spotify, and many songs with 1-2 million+ listens.


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Listen to Próxima Parada'a soulful and uplifting music in advance of this A Better Normal Episode:

Connect with Próxima Parada on Social Media:


Images (2)
  • kind_reminder
  • proxima_parada

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