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A Better Normal, Tuesday, June 2nd at Noon PDT: Higher Education and Trauma During COVID-19


Please join us for the ongoing community discussion of A Better Normal, our ongoing series in which we envision the future as trauma-informed.

College graduates across the world have been celebrating their big day virtually this month, missing out on the right of passage that marks their stepping into new realms of adult and professional life. Many students and recent graduates are feeling the negative impact of the current pandemic: being housing displaced, adjusting to virtual classrooms, and facing more limited career and economic opportunities.

Please join for a discussion with Dr. Carol A. Dolan and Laura Hofmann, MA in Education, on Tuesday June 2, 2020 at Noon PDT // 3:00 PM EDT, moderated by Alison Cebulla, ACEs Connection Community Facilitator for the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic.

Our current capacity is 100 participants, so please join us on time and we will enter people until we reach capacity. These will be recorded and available on the ACEsConnection website and YouTube channel.  

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Laura Hofmann is an adjunct faculty Career Counselor and instructor at Miramar College in San Diego. She holds a Masters of Education in Counseling & Guidance for Higher Education from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Her Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Anthropology was conferred by University of California, Berkeley. Her career in education and counseling spans nearly 15 years spent in adult and youth career services at: Miramar College, Ohlone Community College, UC Berkeley, City of Santa Maria, CA, and the Federal Workforce Investment Act program (WIA). As a first generation college student, she found success through loyalty to her eclectic curiosity for constant reading and learning, her love of art, culture, travel, food, music, and most of all people.

Carol A. Dolan, Ph.D. is Clinical Associate Professor of Community Health Sciences at Boston University School of Public Health where she focuses on social-contextual determinants of health and mental health, and serves as Director of the MPH Certificate in Mental Health and Substance Use. Carol teaches courses on Individual, Community and Population Health, Stress, Mental Health, and Psychological Trauma, and mentors MPH students who have an interest in mental health and public health. Prior to BU, Carol taught undergraduate, graduate and online courses in psychology and research to military members and their families stationed in Asia and Europe. Her research focuses on stress, coping and health in various contexts and populations, including cardiovascular health, deployed military members, and minority women. Carol has experience counseling members of the military and their families, with a focus on how deployments and trauma affect families.

Topics we will discuss:

  • The impact of stress on ability to adapting to change, keep focuses, hope for future

  • Challenges for university students, especially given socioeconomic disparities

  • Prevalence of Anxiety, notion of adjustment to and flexibility with the uncertainty

  • Teaching in a trauma-informed way online/remote
  • Identifying and understanding all forms of trauma, and resilience intervention measures as long term insurance for college and career success

  • Using labor market information to create an empowered personalized equity plan

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