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A Comic Book for Refugee Children []


On August 3rd last year, 12-year-old Maher fled from his village to the Sinjar mountainside where he and tens of thousands of others sought refuge from ISIS attackers who swept up from the south to invade the region. Every person from Sinjar remembers the date, as men, women and children from each village and town in the area packed what they could carry on their backs and left their homes travelling by car or by foot to find safety.

Stranded on the mountain, surrounded on all sides by ISIS fighters, Maher, his family, and thousands of others survived for weeks without blankets or a roof over their heads. From the top of the mountain he could look down into Sinjar town as planes swooped overhead to drop bombs on those taking over the city. From the high vantage point Maher could see the flashes below from countless explosions.

[For more of this story, written by Alex Bartoloni, go to]

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