"[Celebrating Families!] showed significant impact on family organization, positive parenting, parent involvement, and alcohol and drug use reduction. CF! is shown to be successful in unifying families from family dependency courts and as a prevention program for SUDs when offered by community social service agencies. A preliminary efficacy study illustrates changes within participating families consistent with the goal. ... Results suggest that this family skills program can be an intervention program for families at-risk for perpetuating the cycle of addiction, as well as prevention of family violence, abuse, and neglect. Agencies that serve families at risk can use the program to prevent costly foster care placements and SUDs by providing such programs...."
"They found that 'specifically, parents reduce substance use and extend their treatment participation when their children are engaged in services. Children seem to be subject to less neglect and abuse, stays in out-of-home care are shorter, families are more stable, and family functioning appears to be improved when extending services to both children and their caregivers.' "
-Shirley Sparks, Celebrating Families! researcher, and Rosemary Tisch, Celebrating Families! Co-creator and program developer
NACoA's Celebrating Families!™ (CF!) is an evidence-based, trauma-informed, whole-family recovery program. Through a cognitive behavioral, support group model, CF! introduces and strengthens the skills necessary to live a safe, healthy and contented life. With parents in new-found recovery, the focus is preventing children’s future addiction, as well as improving the mental and physical health for everyone in the family.
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