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A Focus on Pedophilia: First, Protect the Children []



To the Editor:


Margo Kaplan correctly points out that pedophilia is a disorder, not a crime (Op-Ed, Oct. 6). Acting on the urges is a crime and should be treated as such.

Given the choice either of protecting children from people who would sexually abuse them or giving a person who has this condition a chance at rehabilitation, I think that most would opt to protect the child.

I urge states to adopt the “guilty but mentally ill” principle of law, and sentence repeat offenders accordingly — place them where they do not have the option of repeating the crime.


Washington, Oct. 6, 2014



To the Editor:

The concept of pedophilia, a particularly taboo subject, is rife with emotional underpinnings. But if we categorically dismiss it — sweep it under the rug because it makes us angry or uncomfortable — we are doing society a dangerous disservice.

Far from condoning child molestation, it’s about doing our level best to prevent it by acknowledging that pedophilia is not a sickness but an orientation.

Indeed, by providing widespread and accessible services to pedophiles who might otherwise white-knuckle their way through life, we add a crucial mechanism to help keep our children safe.


Delmar, N.Y., Oct. 6, 2014



[Read more of the letters to the editor at]


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