The writer is a professional addiction studies counselor in the San Francisco Bay Area. She attended the "Healing Trauma Summit: Trauma Informed Care Approaches to Healing and Recovery" in Oakland, CA on Jan. 17, 2013. This post reviews the session, "Systematic Oppression and Resiliency" and the subject of historical trauma.
"The facilitators, Dr. Jackson and Ms. King, packed this workshop with information that applied to the historical damage that has been done to the American Indians and African American people. The concept that damage, violence, harm, institutional racism, and the devaluing of humanity for an entire category of people, has lasting effects for coming generations. Part of this workshop addressed how individual treatment of trauma does not work for the healing of historical trauma because the root is in the systematic harm that has been caused. In essence, individual treatment does not fix society’s ills...."
The conference schedule:
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