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A Shot against Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder []


Each night before “Greg” goes to bed he brushes and flosses his teeth. Then he double-checks the instructions on the dark brown bottle his nurse gave him before he unscrews the cap and tips five drops of a light-amber, oily liquid onto a spoon. The brew, glistening from the light of the bathroom fixture, is tasteless and has no odor he can detect. But it’s chock-full of bacteria.

He sloshes the substance around in his mouth and swallows.

Greg hopes that while he sleeps the foreign microbes will wage war with other organisms in his gut, changing that environment to ultimately help him manage some of the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms that cloud his mind and riddle his days and nights with nightmares, flashbacks, thoughts of suicide and irrational responses to stressful events. The bacteria he is swallowing, his doctors tell him, “may help reduce symptoms of stress.”

[For more of this story, written by Sandra Lamb, go to https://www.scientificamerican...tic-stress-disorder/]

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Put it like this......PTSD comes after going through war, and death, and destruction, and hate, and hurt, and neglect, and other mean nasty ugly stuff. 

So, people come though this and get changed. This is actually normal, not a disorder at all.

Or put it this way......If you come through that stuff and DON'T get changed, what kind of person are you?

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