"Marian Edelman discusses dangers they face....
"Every 1.5 seconds of the school day, a child is suspended.
"The majority of these are for truancy and tardiness," she said, adding that one impact of suspensions is school drop-outs, "which are epidemic in this country."
"Every 8 seconds, she said, a child drops out of school. Every 19 seconds, a baby is born to unmarried mother, and every 29 seconds a child is born into poverty.
"A child in school suffers corporal punishment every 30 seconds, Edelman said, and every 47 seconds, a child is abused or neglected.
"Every 67 seconds, she said, a child is born who does not have health insurance, although she said that number is dropping thanks to the nation's Affordable Healthcare Act. Still, Edelman said, there is still need for improvement.
"Having access is not the same as having actual health care," she said...."
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