What happened wasn’t your fault.
ACE Overcomers assures people who take their course they didn’t deserve the trauma dealt them when they were children. Through no fault of their own, they must also deal with the effects of that trauma on their adult lives.
People who’ve survived childhood trauma are often prone to sudden outbursts of rage or crying, and they can’t figure out how to stop it. Jamie Graham teaches an ACE Overcomers class each Thursday to show adults how to “regulate” their behavior.
It’s a long process, not something to be achieved overnight.
“We focus on the here and now, not in the past,” said Graham, who teaches the 12-session course, a faith-based approach combining science with biblical principles.
“It’s more about, ‘I don’t know why I feel this way,’ or ‘Why did I act that way?’” said Graham, herself a victor over childhood trauma.
[For more of this story, written by Travis M. Whitehead, go to http://www.valleymorningstar.c...a2-8b7d899af866.html]
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