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ACE Parenting Theater Course

ACEs Parenting Theater Course

Parents with a high ACE score may find it difficult to draw upon their own childhood memories for examples of positive parenting. They aren’t alone.

For many, the way we parent our own children often mirrors the way we ourselves were raised, whether we do this consciously or not. You may think this only natural since one’s parents are the primary reference point for how to communicate, relate, and respond to others and to life.

As they say, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” After all, how could one be expected to adopt a better way of parenting if they’ve never seen or experienced it themselves?

This is all about to change.

ACEs Parenting Theater Course

Dr. Vincent Felitti, the Co-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study, and Dr. Brian Alman, one of the leading mind-body stress experts in the world, have partnered with Steven Fisher, a two-time Emmy-nominated filmmaker to

develop a course to actually show—not simply tell—the differences between ACE-causing and ACE-preventing parenting styles. That way, parents can learn, engage, and practice in a highly-effective ACE parenting course that is taught in a group setting with theater, role-playing, and improvisational interactions.

For example, parents will learn what healthy and unhealthy interactions look like within the family dynamic:


  • When a child tells of a traumatic experience and a parent responds with, “Don’t worry about it,” the child hears a denial of reality and sometimes feels the event must be their fault.
  • When a child describes a traumatic experience and a parent responds with, “It’ll be fine,” the child feels a lack of understanding and support.
  • Judgment
  • Criticism
  • Passive listening
  • Ignoring
  • Interactions that are tense, stressed, and reactive
  • ACEs


  • When a child tells of a traumatic experience and a parent responds with, “Can you tell me more?”
  • When a child describes a traumatic experience and a parent responds with, “How do you feel?” or “What do you think about __?”
  • Comforting and helpful perspectives
  • Acceptance
  • Active listening
  • Interactions that are open, positive, stress-free, and relaxed
  • Positive childhood experiences

This course is essentially designed to break the cycle of generational trauma and give parents the most in-depth and actionable parenting content available today.

About the Course

The course will include six original movies that will be 60 minutes each.The movies that dramatize healthy and unhealthy parenting and change the way parents view parenting. The movies are to be used as prompts for group discussion on how parents might deal with conflict in ways that will ultimately be healthy for their children’s emotional, mental, and physical development.

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I love this! Theatre became my own form of therapy I gravatated to without even realizing at the time how it was helping me explore my emotions.  Such a wonderful way of educating I would love to use these videos in my area to direct a parenting group! Wonderful work gentleman.

Dr.Brian Alman, I wish there was one emoji that would be able to express my enthusiasm about this course and my gratitude to you, Dr. Felitti, Steven Fischer and Jane Stevens.  I was just talking to David Dooley, the founder of Advancing, the other day and I was sharing with him Dr. Felitti's weekly sitcom idea about sharing healthy parenting skills. can only imagine seeing your post today and reading about the creation of these courses.  I have already shared your post with several friends! I look forward to taking these courses and sharing them.

Thanks again Linda and after discussing your comments within our team, we want to also communicate this to you:     

Thank you for sharing our post with your friends! It's that kind of sharing that will help us all. Your comment about David Dooley, the founder of Advancing, really intrigued me. What was his response to Dr. Felitti's idea about sharing healthy parenting skills? We are currently in development and actively seeking seed money to be able to produce the scripts and the movies the course will be based on. Do you Dooley or might sponsor us? How about the friends and colleagues you shared the post with? Do you think any are in position to donate/fund/serve as support in any fashion? (Street teams to help spread the word are also an important asset to our effort.) Any introductions you can make would be greatly appreciated!

I'm looking forward to accessing this course. It sounds like just what I need to really benefit some of the families that my charity is supporting in the UK. When is it being released and is there a cost to family support charities to use the materials?

Thanks again Raynor and after reviewing your comments within our team, here is what we want to communicate to you:     It's exciting to read of your charity work in the UK. Can you tell me more about it? Thanks also for your interest in learning about our parenting course. We are currently in development and actively seeking seed money to be able to produce the scripts and the movies the course will be based on. Do you know any company or philanthropist who might sponsor us? Any introductions you can make would be greatly appreciated!

Wonderful Cynthia!  You are up to very important priorities and we have been working on the stage from finding out you are pregnant,  through the whole birth and to the end of year one.  The population you are collaborating with is something we'd love your input on when we get closer to completing those stages.  We have a lot of ACE experiences to draw from and that includes mixed feelings that range from fear to hope, the social challenges from family and friends, the care for one's self and the list goes on.  Please share your priorities, biggest challenges, what doesn't work and what does work.  Stay in the loop by connecting with me and I'll keep you updated.

Hi Cynthia, After reviewing your comments with our team, here is what else we want to communicate to you:    Your work to bring ongoing perinatal support groups to underserved communities sounds fascinating! Can you tell us more about what you're doing? Thanks for your interest in learning about our parenting course. We are currently in development and actively seeking seed money to be able to produce the scripts and the movies the course will be based on. Do you know any company or philanthropist who might sponsor us? Any introductions you can make would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you Mercedes and it's inspiring to hear how you expanded your interests into community actions.  We want to share everything we are creating for parenting.  After 30+ years collaborating with Dr. Felitti with families, individuals, kids of all ages, grandparents, teachers, students, and people from every walk of life with almost every known ailment known to humankind, we've learned the most important work to do is in parenting.  We've worked with horrific situations and we've learned a lot.  Our biggest lesson, and what you know as well, is that the biggest difficulties for all of us really do come from home, family and parenting.  We can continue to make great strides by connecting, expanding, learning and never giving up on a great thing; learning how to parent successfully for the current generations as well as future generations.  Another lesson we've is that one of the biggest mistakes people make is they underestimate themselves.  Please keep in touch.

Hi Mercedes, After reviewing your comments within our team, here is what else we want to communicate to you:

We'd love to learn more about your work as a parent educator. Can you share details? Thanks for your interest in learning about our parenting course, and the offer to help promote it and put it in the eyes/hands of parents. In fact, we could use your help! We are currently in development and actively seeking seed money to be able to produce the scripts and the movies the course will be based on. Do you know any company or philanthropist who might sponsor us? Any introductions you can make would be greatly appreciated!

This year is our goal to finish as many of the age groups as possible.  It's going to take a village, resources, time, energy and TLC.

Hi Ramona, After discussing your feedback with our team, here's what we came up with for you:

We anticipate the course becoming available this year. We are currently in development and actively seeking seed money to be able to produce the scripts and the movies the course will be based on. Do you know any company or philanthropist who might sponsor us? Any introductions you can make would be greatly appreciated!

Reading about this project brought tears to my eyes. I am a parenting survivor w/ an ACE score of 9. I am also co-editor of the book Parenting with PTSD: the impact of childhood abuse on parenting. I and a friend were inspired to create the book when we both went looking for a resource to help us understand our unique challenges being triggered by basic acts of parenting (i.e. bathing, giving and receiving affection, disciplining, etc), and found nothing on the topic. Creating the book changed the trajectory of my life and I began speaking publicly and presenting on the most common triggers and reactions to those triggers that parenting survivors experience. Addressing how a parent is triggered by her/his own children, and helping to normalize that experience, I feel, is THE missing piece in helping families break generational cycles of abuse and dysfunction. I had to learn that it's more than how we react to our children...its just as much or more about understanding why and how we are triggered, and then what to do when we are. I am so grateful for this resource you are creating and want to support it in any way I am able to. I am happy to send you a copy of the book if you feel it will be of value to you and your team, share my personal experiences, and/or connect you to other parenting survivors who I believe could offer insight. Again, Thank You!



This is wonderful to hear. After hearing Dr Felliti speak 6 yrs ago - a set if us clinicians including myself initiated ACE screening to all clinics in our community organization. This group sparked me to learn and find appropriate parent educating courses to break generational trauma. I am now a parent educator. I would be interested in learning about this course and promoting it and putting it in the eyes/hands of parents

Thank you Mercedes and it's inspiring to hear how you expanded your interests into community actions.  We want to share everything we are creating for parenting.  After 30+ years collaborating with Dr. Felitti with families, individuals, kids of all ages, grandparents, teachers, students, and people from every walk of life with almost every known ailment known to humankind, we've learned the most important work to do is in parenting.  We've worked with horrific situations and we've learned a lot.  Our biggest lesson, and what you know as well, is that the biggest difficulties for all of us really do come from home, family and parenting.  We can continue to make great strides by connecting, expanding, learning and never giving up on a great thing; learning how to parent successfully for the current generations as well as future generations.  Another lesson we've is that one of the biggest mistakes people make is they underestimate themselves.  Please keep in touch.

So excited for this. We are working to bring ongoing perinatal support groups to underserved communities, with this issue as a significant driver, intertwined with reproductive injustice and a societal lack of acknowledging the elemental significance of the perinatal period and that we cannot care for a child, if we ignore the parent/ caregiver. How do we stay in the loop on this project.

Wonderful Cynthia!  You are up to very important priorities and we have been working on the stage from finding out you are pregnant,  through the whole birth and to the end of year one.  The population you are collaborating with is something we'd love your input on when we get closer to completing those stages.  We have a lot of ACE experiences to draw from and that includes mixed feelings that range from fear to hope, the social challenges from family and friends, the care for one's self and the list goes on.  Please share your priorities, biggest challenges, what doesn't work and what does work.  Stay in the loop by connecting with me and I'll keep you updated. 

YES!!!  When will this be available???  I'm so excited!  My wish would be that every parent could watch these and because of this, I would no longer have a job!  I'm currently an ABC (Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch Up) Coach and Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) Coach.  I absolutely love my job, but would also love it if there was no need for my job in the future!  I envision a whole different world for the next generation if every parent were able to see this!

I love your attitude!  We agree on the need for us to help and the joyfulness in the potentials of parents bringing their best to their kids along with themselves.  Truly, this is the answer for global and local evolution of relationships, families, communities, and every country in the world.  We are all doing our parts and at this rate, we may be looking at 500 to 1,000 years of perseverance, patience, ACE Parenting, and all of the other wonderful resources in alignment with 100% integrity, respect, acceptance, openness, creativity, music, learning and this positive list can go on an on.  Humans are not supposed to be the most dangerous ones on Earth.  We're designed to be wonderful.  Look at the human body and mind; miraculous when developed with love.  You can't spoil kids with love.

YES!!!  When will this be available???  I'm so excited!  My wish would be that every parent could watch these and because of this, I would no longer have a job!  I'm currently an ABC (Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch Up) Coach and Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) Coach.  I absolutely love my job, but would also love it if there was no need for my job in the future!  I envision a whole different world for the next generation if every parent were able to see this!

So excited for this. We are working to bring ongoing perinatal support groups to underserved communities, with this issue as a significant driver, intertwined with reproductive injustice and a societal lack of acknowledging the elemental significance of the perinatal period and that we cannot care for a child, if we ignore the parent/ caregiver. How do we stay in the loop on this project.

This is wonderful to hear. After hearing Dr Felliti speak 6 yrs ago - a set if us clinicians including myself initiated ACE screening to all clinics in our community organization. This group sparked me to learn and find appropriate parent educating courses to break generational trauma. I am now a parent educator. I would be interested in learning about this course and promoting it and putting it in the eyes/hands of parents

I'm looking forward to accessing this course. It sounds like just what I need to really benefit some of the families that my charity is supporting in the UK. When is it being released and is there a cost to family support charities to use the materials?

Dr.Brian Alman, I wish there was one emoji that would be able to express my enthusiasm about this course and my gratitude to you, Dr. Felitti, Steven Fischer and Jane Stevens.  I was just talking to David Dooley, the founder of Advancing, the other day and I was sharing with him Dr. Felitti's weekly sitcom idea about sharing healthy parenting skills. can only imagine seeing your post today and reading about the creation of these courses.  I have already shared your post with several friends! I look forward to taking these courses and sharing them.

100% agree, Linda!  Dr. Felitti and I have been motivating each other to do this for a long time. About 6 months ago, we started meeting every Saturday. Unlike all of our other collaborations for courses, articles, presentations, this has all been on zoom because of the pandemic. In some ways this has been fortuitous because we created the Parenting courses to be done in person, on film and/or on zoom.
We’ve discussed the pandemic as a global ACE. By the way, we took our experiences with thousands of people from the ACE Study and utilized their stories as well as their challenges and successes   We are happy with the courses.  We received wonderful support from the screenwriter, Steven Fischer and the ACEsConnection Founder, Publisher Jane Steven’s!  

Hi Dr. Brian Alman,

I cannot tell you how thrilled I am that you are collaborating with Dr. Felitti and Steven Fisher to create this ACEs Parenting Theater course. Dr. Felitti has held this vision for a long time. It is fabulous that it is coming into fruition with your help. This course is so very much needed. Presenting these healthy parenting skills in this theater format will be such a benefit for parents and children.

In gratitude,

Linda Yuncker

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