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ACE Questions help

Hello ACE friends. My name is Josh Puls, I am the Prevention Outreach Specialist with the Children's Trust Fund here in Wisconsin. Shortly we will be working on creating some new questions to add to the Wisconsin BRFS, and more specifically to the ACE module that is sent out in Wisconsin. We want to create and implement questions to look closer at poverty, neglect, and maltreatment in the ACE module that is used in Wisconsin.


In preparing for the development of these questions I am asking for your assistance in gathering any relevant resources you have such as surveys, questions, assessment questions or research questions.  The purpose of my request is so I can analyze these surveys; questions etc… and compile an exhaustive list of prevalent questions to help guide our “question development” process.


If you have any resources, surveys, copies, websites, contacts etc... that you feel would be useful please let me know. You can respond here or use my e-mail... . Thank you for your help!!


Josh Puls

WI Children's Trust Fund  

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The most powerful quesion I always ask is this: How did it make you feel?
And a feeling stands never alone. By asking this quesion: what else did you feel?
I never judge a feeling that is within a person, it is their feeling. When spoken of the feelings that been felt at that moment of time I go deeper. Most of the time there are around 35 feelings and the last feeling is the core of the issue that keeps the person in pain. Thereby also keeps the person in a Flight&Fight&Freese response.
As soon I get to the core (the last one that they 'protecting of feeling the hurt again') than the release starts to kick in and than the body is in a 3 week proces of recovery the originaly flow of energy. (some get sick, some cry, sometimes at first the pain gets intens) but after 3 weeks the body has adjust to the new situation. They feel different, they walk different, they view the world different, less conflicts with the outside world, much more understanding for themselves, more at peace within.
Pain witch hold on to so long of the feeling will disapear. It has blocked the energy from flowing, witch causes the pain.

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