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ACEs & Incarceration

The ACEs to prison pipeline is my favorite topic and stoppage/diversion of the pipeline is my passion. This may not be related wholly to your topic, but attached is an article that I wrote several years ago mainly because booking high ACE score individuals into a corrections facility is re-traumatizing them. We know from studies that those with ACE scores of four or higher are 20x's more likely to be incarcerated at some time in their lives compared to the general population.


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Hi David,

Your article is amazing; thank you!  I totally agree that booking our incarcerated into prisons does retraumatize them.  They're completely left alone, without any communication knowing what to expect, when to expect it, and how to navigate through all the triggers while fighting off the anxiety and fears.  Just this one policy change could benefit to facilitate peace with communications from our COs and help soothe the fight and flight response.

I would love to know if you've written anything else.  Especially leaning towards the chaplain side inside our correctional facilities.  I'm finishing up writing new curriculum for healing dialogue groups inside our state prisons once COVID resolves and we need to spread so much more love and healing for what they've endured the last year with being in lockdown, so... 

Blessings, Tammy

Hi Cynthia,

Thanks for your interest and for asking. Here is the article intro - also link and attached. Under separate cover, I will send you a list of several adverse effects of having an ACE score of 4 or higher.

A growing body of research has identified the long‐term impacts that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) including abuse, neglect and growing up in a dysfunctional home environment (e.g. exposure to domestic violence, household member incarcerated) have on individuals’ life chances. The Welsh ACE survey identified that individuals who had experienced four or more ACEs were 15 times more likely to have perpetrated violence in the last year and 20 times more likely to be incarcerated at some point in their lifetime.


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