ACEs, Adversity's Impact
Economic violence: on being skipped over or paraded in front of a crowd
Brain and Biology
Episode 7 Molly McManus "Call Me Mental"
Do social ties affect our health? Exploring the biology of relationships.
Stopping bullies in cyberspace: national expert comes to work with three schools
New bullying data—and definition—from the national crime victimization survey
Career Opportunities
DHS Bureau of Prevention Treatment and Recovery, Section Chief: Substance Abuse Services
DHS Bureau of Community Forensic Services,Section Chief (2 Positions)
Courts, Juvenile Justice, Corrections, and Probation
Restorative justice works for students
States that raise the age see less recidivism, cost savings, JPI report says
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
How trauma lodges in the body (podcast)
Teach yourself everyday happiness with imagery training
PTSD risk can be predicted by hormone levels prior to deployment, study says
Developing resilience in children
Service clubs in the ACE and resilience movement: Reaching out with facts and stories
Policing America’s schools. An Education week analysis
Area teachers learn to see trauma behind students' actions
Substance Use Disorder
A new initiative targets children of opioid addicts
Juvenile drug courts agree more family involvement needed; some not sure how to do it
The stress of sitting in traffic can lead to more crime
Building Trust Cuts Violence. Cash Also Helps.
Trauma-Informed Care
Trauma Symposium Wisconsin April 11, 2017 Oshkosh, WI
Trauma in Our Community Conference June 15-16, 2017 Milwaukee, WI
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