ACEs, Adversity's Impact
How Childhood Trauma Can Contribute To Developing Cancer as an Adult
Few children born to parents with serious mental illness live with both parents while growing up
Brain and Biology
Brain regulates social behavior differently in males and females, study reveals
Science of Childhood Trauma [1 min -- Futures Without Violence]
Traumatic Stress May Alter Boys’ and Girls’ Brains Differently
Bullying Often Triggers Fight Response In Kids With Disabilities
Research on substance abuse and bullying yields some surprising findings
Courts, Juvenile Justice, Corrections, and Probation
Life Beyond Bars: One Man’s Journey From Prison to College
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy may trigger post-traumatic stress disorder
The surprising way to protect yourself from burnout
The danger of being driven at work
How a Happy School Can Help Schools Succeed
Elementary school launches in-house therapy for at-risk students
Substance Use Disorder
Hospitalizations for children, teens attributed to opioid poisoning jump
State policies will determine whether or not most Americans smoke marijuana
New Battle Creek drug recovery center is a new chance
Trauma-Informed Care
Weaving Health Into the Community’s Fabric
Preventing Retraumatization: A Macro Social Work Approach to Trauma-Informed Practices & Policies
Trauma-Informed Care Policy Day Dec 6
Nearly every American will know a victim of gun violence
How Childhood Trauma Can Contribute To Developing Cancer as an Adult
Few children born to parents with serious mental illness live with both parents while growing up
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