Futures Without Violence offers an online course called "Addressing the Bigger Picture in Pediatric Settings: Adverse Childhood Experiences". The course takes 1.5 hours to complete, and 1.5 credits are offered.
The course is free. You'll have to register, and provide more detailed information if you want credit, but it's an easy registration. The course is co-sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics, and was funded by the Verizon Wireless Foundation.
Here's the course description:
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are leading social determinants of health and well-being across the lifespan. Child maltreatment, neglect, exposure to domestic violence and other childhood adversities often cluster and can have a cumulative effect. In the absence of resiliency factors, these experiences can translate into toxic stress for a child’s developing brain. This module describes predictable effects of ACEs on children’s physical, mental, and behavioral health. Strategies for a trauma-informed approach in the pediatric setting are described. The impact of ACEs on parenting is examined and educational resources including a safety card and video that can be used for universal education with parents to prevent the intergenerational transmission of ACEs are demonstrated.
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