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You can add your support to U.S. House of Representatives trauma resolution

Two members of the U.S. House of Representatives have taken a new and important step to promote the use of trauma-informed approaches. Democrat Danny Davis from Illinois and Republican Mike Gallagher from Wisconsin have introduced House Resolution H. Res. 443, "Recognizing the Importance and Effectiveness of Trauma-informed Care," which encourages the use of trauma-informed care by Congress and federal agencies. The resolution also proposes the designation of a month as National Trauma Awareness Month and a day as National Trauma Awareness Day. This resolution will provide vehicles to highlight community resilience through trauma-informed change and provide a path to more substantial legislation.
A list of supporters will be sent to sponsoring legislators. 

Here's an article about the introduction of the resolution, and a briefing about the resolution

To add your organization's name to the supporters' list, email Jennifer Ralston, associate director of policy at the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities.

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