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Adoption in the Digital Age: The Sad Truth about "Re-Homing"

"It’s clear that re-homing is an issue that must and should be addressed.  As Jackie Mitchard writes me: “I know how desperate Joyce Maynard and others must have felt.  Nothing is more disheartening and frightening to feel you have no choices, and that you are locked in a relationship with a child who can’t love you or you feel you can't love. Whatever the reason. That's why adoptive families need so much support.”  Something else Mitchard says reminds me once again of the chokehold the myths of motherhood have on our thinking when she writes that more traditional families need support as well: “Giving birth to a child and being unable to bond with that child, because of any number of variables, has led to some awful tragedies and losses.   Finally, we're taking postpartum depression seriously, as a real threat to the health and well-being of families. An adoption that's going down the tubes probably prompts the same kind of pain and shame and no one should have to go through that alone.”

"On October 30th, Representative Jim Langevin introduced a bill, the Protecting Adopted Children Act, that would effectively put an end to Internet re-homing and establish support systems for parents and children.  I believe it’s a bill all of us should get behind. 

"The re-homing sites are dark places in the digital world that need to be scratched off the map."



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