I'd like to share a rather unusual free resource...parenting tips bumper stickers. Advancing Parenting, a Camarillo CA nonprofit organization, produces parenting tips bumper stickers and makes them available at no cost to schools, organizations, agencies, clinics, businesses, and individuals. There are fifty-one in a set and each one communicates a parenting behavior or practice generally recognized as supporting the healthy development of children.
Bumper stickers are a unique and powerful way to accomplish parenting education. At stoplights drivers and passengers point, smile, and nod. Conversations start up and often a phone is used to take a pic of the sticker right at the stoplight. Presumably, they are being shared on social media. It's wonderful to see!
Sets of the stickers can be put in holders and placed on counters and tables so folks can select one or more for their cars. Visit www.advancingparenting.org to order this free resource. Use a computer...our website is not optimized for phones.
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