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Advancing Parenting is now on Pinterest!

  • AP is now on Pinterest!

    Visit to see what we've been up to.  Parenting tips on cars will be read 1000s of times by 1000s of people.

    At stoplights you can watch in the rearview mirror and see drivers reading the tip.  They point, smile, nod, and give thumbs-up.  If there are passengers in the car conversations start up and I've lost count the number of times phones are pulled out to take a pic of the tip.

    Our plan is to

    1) eventually partner with the Advertising Council and employ increasingly impactful media to display the parenting tips.  For example appealing school age spokespersons and families presenting the tips on static and digital billboards and semi trailers), and

    2) expand geographically until Advancing Parenting's activities are a permanent national phenomenon.

    This will take millions of dollars, but the return on investment and reduction in human suffering will be well worth it.

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