I hope you are well and wish you the very best for 2021!
These are certainly stressful times for us all. Some of you may already know that I’ve just launched a new online program to help ameliorate the heightened stress and trauma so many are feeling. Your Healing Narrative: Write-to-Heal With Neural Re-Narrating is specifically designed to help harness the power of the brain and nervous system for calm, peace and possibility, even in the face of adversity. You can learn more in this blog post I published recently.
I’ve created one version for healing professionals, and one for individuals. You can learn much more here.
Creating this science-based program has been a labor of love. Watching participants who’ve taken it find new layers of insight, relief, and healing has been both moving and gratifying. Throughout the pandemic, I’ve delivered this program to many health organizations and universities and am thrilled to be able to share it with a broader audience now, especially during these difficult times.
I am very fortunate to be a part of this amazing community and always grateful for the support we bring to each other. I know many of you have already started sharing and spreading the word about my new program, and I’m so thankful for your ongoing support.
Now, because we know your time is valuable – we’ve decided to set up an affiliate program, offering a 20% commission on every sale. You can sign up to become an affiliate here.
If you are not familiar with affiliate programs, it is a great way to share valuable content with your community, support your fellow colleagues, and make a little bit of money as well in the process. It’s really a win-win situation.
As previously mentioned, the affiliate program brings you a commission of 20% on every single sale you make when people sign up for the course using your affiliate link. All you have to do is use this link to sign up, grab your affiliate link, and start sharing.
To make things extra easy, my team has prepared social media copy and graphics for you to use. Email donnajacksonnakazawa@gmail.com (with affiliate program in the subject line) to receive your affiliate packet and get started.
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