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African American mayors lay out a plan for police reform without 'defunding' []


By Tom Jackman, The Washington Post, July 27, 2020

In the movement to reform American policing, some of the most powerful players, with the most immediate options available, are the country’s mayors. They typically can hire or fire police chiefs, influence police departments to change policies, oversee city budgets, and negotiate collective bargaining agreements with police unions.

Realizing this, the nation’s black mayors gathered last month and devised a Peace Pact for Community Centered Policing. The plan outlined by the African American Mayors Association calls for providing transparency in policing, reevaluating police policies and union contracts, advocating for federal policy changes, improving community engagement, and creating city budgets reflecting community values.

In interviews, the leaders of the African American mayors’ group said they want to build on the momentum of the police reform movement ignited by the death of George Floyd — and they do not favor “defunding the police.”

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