I never cease to be amazed at how a subconscious block – made of old ideas, beliefs, or impressions – can affect present day life.
Moreover, it’s possible for a subconscious block to totally sabotage your goals while leaving no clue as to its source.
In fact, you may be completely in the dark while said subconscious block has its way with you.
That’s why I found hypnotherapist Lora Cheadle’s article about goals and subconscious blocks to be so interesting.
I sent Lora a note to ask her some additional questions. Here are her responses pertaining to subconscious blocks.
The response to question #5 below is a compelling example of a subconscious block overcome by one of Lora’s clients.
[For more of this story, written by Mike Bundrant, go to https://blogs.psychcentral.com...-block-lora-cheadle/]
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