"Today's episode of the Social Work Podcast looks at Trauma Informed Care, one of the most promising approaches to working with people without causing additional trauma. And I had the honor of talking about Trauma-informed care with Nancy Smyth, professor and Dean of the School of Social Work at the University at Buffalo. [Dr. Smyth] ...understands what it means to address trauma at the micro, mezzo, and macro level. She has worked in both mental health and addiction treatment settings for over 35 years as a clinician, manager, educator, researcher, and program developer. Second, she's what we like to call a “content” expert. She is a Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress...."
The resources Dr. Smyth mentions:
Here is a preview of the article by Brian Bride:
Prevalence of Secondary Traumatic Stress among Social Workers
Here are links to the Brian Farragher podcasts :
Brian Farragher: The Sanctuary Model: Changing the Culture of Care - It Begins with Me (part 1 of 2)
Episode 79 - Brian Farragher: The Sanctuary Model: Changing the Culture of Care - Transforming Human Services (part 2 of 2)
The SAMHSA page that lists Trauma-Specific Interventions
This is the Dr. Bloom/Dr. Anda video she refers to (fyi, it's in our Presentations section):
"Trauma: A Public Health Crisis in Western New York" Conference
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