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Anxiety, Depression and Working Moms in a Pandemic


Covid-19 is a challenging time for all of us. People are limited to their homes, and social distancing is the requirement of the time to stay protected from this contagious virus. Although social distancing is the only thing stopping the spread of the virus, it is also becoming the number 1 cause of anxiety and depression.

People worldwide from all walks of life are suffering the psychological effects of isolation, and working moms are not an exception. They experienced a unique pressure during the Covid-19; they were responsible for children's learning, fun, food, and general wellbeing while working full-time from home.

Offices, schools, and public gathering places are temporarily closed down, and mothers are doing twice the work to cater to everyone in the household. Undoubtedly, it is tougher for working mothers because they juggle work with their burgeoning responsibilities as a mom.

It's no wonder that most women across the globe have started drinking alcohol to cope. Many are struggling to perform better at work and to maintain their responsibilities as a mom and homemaker. Hence, it is difficult for most of them to maintain a work-life balance.  

Women are Quitting Jobs During the Pandemic

During COVID-19, many working moms gave in to the pressure and chose to quit their jobs to look after their homes and families. CNN reports that in September 2020, almost 617,000 women left their jobs to look after their families.

Many of the women reported were earning well. These women belonged to the age group of 35-44. These decisions made by women could impact the career of ladies in the coming years.

It has also been found that women-dominated industry includes hospitality, leisure industries, and retail, are most affected by COVID. That shows that women were the first to be hit by the Covid-19. So the women who are not quitting are getting laid off, adding to their list of troubles.

Here is how the pandemic is affecting the wellbeing of working moms:

Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Financial hardships, children's home-schooling, and managing household chores have made it difficult for working moms to cope with the situation. It has also lead to severe anxiety and depression.

Contributors of stress and anxiety include:

  • Work-life Balance

Working moms are contributing to the family's finances and also looking after the household chores. From online education to earning, cooking, doing laundry or dishes, and cleaning, moms are responsible for everything.

Since kids are home, moms are responsible for making sure they are taking their classes and doing their homework. They are also responsible for making sure kids have ample leisure opportunities at home to cope with isolation.

Taking care of all these tasks while managing a full-time job has become overwhelming for most moms, which means they are taking on extra stress.

  • Social Isolation

The situation is not easy for single moms as they have zero time for going out and social meets up, thus leading to severe anxiety. Working moms in every situation are facing the burnt of this isolation.

For instance, a new mom needs help from her friends and families as they are dealing with parenthood for the first time. However, they have become more alone during the pandemic. Furthermore, the new mothers missed out on so many things like a baby shower or post-baby celebrations- they couldn't share their happiest moments with the close ones.

Similarly, moms with kids enjoyed alone time with their friends to refresh their minds, but they are not able to do so anymore. Since working moms cannot lighten up by going out, hanging out with their friends, or indulging in some relaxing activity like spa or a movie, they are becoming more stressed.

  • Constant Fear for the Wellbeing of their Family

The most leading factor of severe anxiety and depression in this pandemic for working moms is that they are in constant fear of the wellbeing of their family. They are not sure if this world is a safe place for their child or not.

This fear makes them stressed out about following COVID-19 SOPs and becoming anxious when even a single thing is amiss.

  • Fear of being laid Off

Since mothers have more responsibilities at home, they are worried that their work performance may suffer. In an economic situation where thousands of people are getting laid off, working moms are worried that they may get laid off if they don't perform well.

In the pandemic, job security is important as people may need finances for healthcare emergencies. Therefore, the fear of losing one's job is a constant stressor.

The Effects of Stress and Anxiety on Women

2020 has come with more challenges than ever and is considered a stressful year for working moms. It brings extra sensitivity and also severe anxiety and depression. Below are just some of the impacts of the global pandemic on the mental health of working moms.

  • Insomnia; stress, and anxiety cause restless and sleepless nights
  • Fatigue and lethargy which leads to unproductivity
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Stress can lead to clinical depression, which affects every aspect of a women's life
  • Stress and anxiety can cause heart problems
  • Chronic stress can cause obesity and hormonal imbalance

How To Cope With Anxiety And Depression?

Stress is a person's normal reaction to an uncertain and out-of-control situation. However, it is not a healthy reaction. A working mom needs to relax, actions that a working woman can take to keep their mind and body relax.

Some of them are:

  • Set Boundaries:

Differentiate and set boundaries for official work time and household chores time or family time. During Covid, a mom is always available at home, but each family member should know the boundaries and respect a woman's commitment.

  • Delegate Work:

Divide your responsibilities with your spouse or children. Don't try to do everything yourself.

  • Give Time To Yourself:

Me-time is important for every woman, whether working or not. It is important for her mental wellbeing. Take some time out during the day for yourself, whether it's 30 minutes or an hour, taking the time to do something you love and refresh.

  • Keep In Touch With Friends And Family:

Arrange more virtual meetings with your friends and families. You can also talk to your office colleagues to share how it is going at your end and how they are dealing with the pandemic.

  • Prepare A Budget & a Financial Back-up Plan

To overcome financial hardships, every woman is advised to plan out the proper budget for the children's education and other household expenses.

  • Religion and Spirituality:

Many people find peace when they practice spirituality or religion. If you are a religious person, follow regular prayer times and seek strength. On the other hand, if you are not religious, practice acts of kindness and focus on the bigger picture, connectedness, and letting go of things you cannot control.

Final Thoughts

The global pandemic is not easy for women especially working women. Women are the primary caregivers of a household, and this pandemic has doubled their workload. Therefore, working moms are feeling overwhelmed, and since they do not have an outlet to vent their stress, anxiety is mounting.

We recommend that working moms establish a clear demarcation between work and home life, delegate work, and spend some me time to cope with this stressful situation.

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