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April 2021 CTIPP CAN Call Follow Up

Thank you to everyone who was able to join this month's CTIPP CAN call, and a special thank you to Dan Jurman, Dave Ellis, Commissioner Christine Beyer, and Angela Medrano Sanchez for their wonderful and informative presentations about the work in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We learned about strategies that have proven effective for launching statewide trauma-informed initiatives. If you were unable to join, would like to watch again, or want to share with others, you can find the call recording here. Additionally, if you would like to see prior CTIPP CAN calls, check out and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
There were a ton of valuable resources shared during the call, which you can find attached to this email. Please find the New Jersey ACEs Action Plan, the New Jersey powerpoint slides used during the call, the Trauma-Informed PA Plan, the Trauma-Informed PA Plan Organizational Continuum, and the Pennsylvania slides from the call.
We also wanted to follow up with a few additional advocacy opportunities shared at the beginning of the call:
Our next CTIPP CAN call will be on Wednesday May 19th from 2-3:30pm and CTIPP board members and other experts will present strategies to determine if your organization is trauma-informed. You can view all upcoming calls with links on our Events page. CTIPP CAN calls are open to the public, so please invite folks in your network to join the calls, and if there is anyone who would like to be added to our CTIPP CAN listserv, please email me their information.
Thank you so much again and we look forward to seeing you again next month. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns in the meantime, or would like to be added to the CTIPP CAN listserv, please don't hesitate to reach out to


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