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Are you a trauma informed provider in the SF East Bay?

Hello ACEs Connection colleagues! Are you aware of trauma informed providers in the San Francisco Bay Area who might be interested in being listed as a resource here? If so, can you please share this email with your colleagues? All my best, Angela
Dear coach, therapist, body worker, activist, healer, program director, etc!
Do you consider yourself a trauma-informed provider? Are you interested in being listed in a handout of Trauma Informed providers which will be handed out at the Oakland screening of Wrestling Ghosts this weekend? 
If yes, FILL OUT THIS FORM (and share this email with your trauma-informed colleagues!).
This AMAZING documentary about healing childhood trauma while parenting young children is screening in Oakland this upcoming weekend. This film breaks the isolation shrouding the ways many of us struggle with parenting, providing a hopeful view into what healing can look like. 
But trauma-informed providers know that the path to healing looks different depending on the person, in part based on what registers as "safe" for a given individual..... 
Filmmaker, Ana Joanes, and I are working together to help make this a resource-rich healing event for the gathered audience. We want the audience at this event to find the just right healing place, with access to as many avenues for healing as there are Easy Bay providers... 
For that: we need you!
As a trauma-informed provider, please FILL OUT THIS FORM. If we hear from you in time, we will do our best to include a description of your services to be handed out at the event this Saturday.  
Thank you for joining me in a passionate commitment to raising a trauma-informed & resilient East Bay! Our children and community are worth it!
All my heart,
P.S. Want to attend the event? Get a 20% discount by using this code AngelaTix.

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