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Are you screening for ACEs?


More and more people from across different sectors are screening people for ACEs. They’re also educating them about ACEs at the same time. I’m working on a couple of stories — one is about home visiting programs in Washington State, Illinois, Michigan, Vermont, and North Dakota that are screening and educating clients. The other is about The Family Center in Nashville, TN, which is screening and educating people in parenting classes. Parents who attend these are either in jail or are mandated by the court to attend the classes. Of the 600 parents who’ve done their ACE scores since last April, 74% have an ACE score of 4 or higher; 54% have an ACE score of 6 or higher. And what do they want to know after they’ve done their score? How to prevent high ACE scores in their kids. 


And more people are recommending screening. Recently, members Nathan Epps, senior analyst at the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Research & Planning Bureau, and Dr. Michael Baglivio, senior management analyst at the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, and two of their co-authors suggested that ACEs could be used as a “first-line screening tool to identify children at risk of serious, violent and chronic offenses before significant downstream wreckage occurs”. That’s because they found that with each additional ACE, a delinquent youth’s risk of becoming a serious, violent and chronic offender increased 35 times.


And in “Health consequences of adverse childhood experiences: A systematic review”, in the Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, Dr. Karen Kalmakis and Dr. Genevieve Chandler from the University of Massachusetts (Amherst) College of Nursing concluded that nurse practitioners “are encouraged to incorporate assessment of patients’ childhood history in routine primary care and to consider the evidence that supports a relationship between ACEs and health. Although difficult, talking about patient's childhood experiences may positively influence health outcomes.”


If you’re screening for ACEs, please help us create a resource for others who are thinking about screening for ACEs and post your information in the new group ACEs Screening — Who’s Doing It and How? or contact one of us, and we’ll talk with you and post it for you. You can also fill out this quick and easy 8-question survey and we’ll be in touch. To fill out the survey, you'll have to join the ACEs Screening group. It's an easy way to keep this screening information in one place, to sort it, and to provide the best resources for you.  




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 The National Crittenton Foundation's(TNCF) family of 26 agencies across the country provide services and supports to girls and young women who are impacted by violence, childhood adversity and who strive to recover from complex trauma.  In 2013, working with Dr. Vincent Felitti, Crittenton agencies conducted a pilot administration of the ACE in 18 states in a wide array of services settings from residential treatment to after school programs. This included girls and young women involved with the child welfare, juvenile and other systems of “care” such as mental health. Many were young mothers, had experienced homelessness, or were domestic minor sex trafficking survivors, and more.  The results of the pilot were summarized in several blog posts on ACE’sConnection. The report for young mothers featured at a Hill event in Washington, DC can be found here (link to first pilot findings).  


Based on the pilot experience of administering the ACE, many of the agencies are consistently screening new clients for adverse childhood experiences and using the results to inform service delivery.  They are also using it to inform policymakers and the community about Adverse Childhood Experiences and the importance of trauma informed services and supports to help girls and young women heal and build resiliency.  


Currently, the Crittenton family of agencies is involved in the second administration of the ACE across the country. Based on the experience with the pilot administration, enhancements were in the process and data gathering this time around including:


  • An enhanced survey instrument that includes extensive demographics about the young women and information about systems involvement and services received  
  • An administration protocol was developed to ensure more consistent administration of the survey;
  • Use of the REDCap database to input and analyze survey responses for individual agencies as well as across agencies was adopted.
  • The addition of well-being questions which are being pilot tested by 6 of the agencies. This is administered upon entry into services and again at discharge and can be linked to the results of the ACES.


TNCF is working with Dr. Roy Wade at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia to analyze the data.  The results will be released at a briefing in Washington, DC in the fall of 2015.  TNCF will also be releasing a provider toolkit on ACES in the summer of 2015.  The toolkit will include the survey instrument, protocol; tip sheets for using ACES for program and policy impact, and case studies of Crittenton agencies and how they are using ACEs in their work.  


Finally, in late 2015 TNCF will work with Dr. Wade, Dr. Vincent Felitti and the family of agencies to craft a youth informed new survey based on the ACE that factors in the lived experiences of young women, including factors not covered by the ACE, such as bullying, etc. Through focus groups and additional research a “girl” informed survey will be created and tested in Crittenton agencies in 2016. 

Case 1: Eighteen Month Old Head Banging, Violent Temper Tantrums
•Maternal ACE Score – 8
–Domestic Violence
–Emotional, Physical, Sexual Abuse
–Emotional, Physical Neglect
–Alcoholic Parent, Parental Mental Illness
•Child ACE Score – 6
–Parental Loss
–Domestic Violence
–Alcohol Use in Home, Parental Mental Illness
–Emotional, Physical Neglect


Before behavioral evaluations, I ask about parental ACEs by using an edited 14 page modified developmental screener from Indiana University to which I have added a cover sheet explaining how parental experiences in childhood affect children’s health and the 10 ACE questions to which I have included being in foster care or a homeless adolescent, witnessing violence against siblings or other family members, food insecurity, community violence, and experiencing school bullying. In the body of the developmental screener, I  get information about current ACEs the child is experiencing – such as domestic violence, abuse, mental illness in the family, substance use, loss of a parent and incarceration of a parent as these ?’s are part of the edited developmental screener. 


When the family comes in we discuss how ACEs and toxic stress affect brain development and behavior. When working with ACE exposed parents and children we MUST KNOW OUR COMMUNITY RESOURCES.  This mother was referred to a local  parenting program, social services for addiction, domestic violence services, housing and food assistance.  Multiple web resources were provided to the mother and reviewed. Follow-up was arranged for the next week.  On follow-up, the mother had lots of questions about how to avoid harming her child through ACEs exposure.  After reviewing the web resources on how trauma affects children’s behaviors and brain development and can lead to poor adult health both for her and her children, she wanted to know everything she could learn about how to better support her son and two other children. 


For High ACE exposed parents and children, Frequent follow-up is the Key…. Along with an understanding of trauma – a compassionate tone and empathetic understanding of the parent’s own childhood suffering.  This child stopped the temper tantrums and head banging and was more manageable for mother, leading to healthier interaction between  parent and child. 

•Maternal ACE Score – Cannot be Calculated as the Child was in Foster Care and History is Lacking
•Child ACE Score – 7
–Domestic Violence
–Alcoholism/Poly-Drug Use in Parent
–Mental Illness in Parent
–Emotional, Physical Abuse, Emotional Neglect
–Parental Loss


This child was being cared for by his birth mother until 3 years. He was removed by Child Welfare and custody terminated for maternal drug use, domestic violence, mental health issues, severe physical and emotional abuse, emotional neglect.  He also suffered from the  loss of a parent – his biological mother and recently his biological grandmother and grandfather who had adopted him. His biological grandmother had recently passed away of cancer and the Boy’s biological grandfather felt he was getting too old to care for the boy and was interested in  travel.  Grandfather then passed care of the child to his Biological father and his new wife. Due to severe aggression at school and in the home, the child has been recently seen by CMH and was been placed on stimulant medications for ?ADHD.  Due to persistent aggressive and externalizing behaviors, along with nightmares and becoming hysterical when separated from his grandfather, CMH placed the boy on a Mood Stabilizer, one week before I see this child in the pediatric clinic.   The parents are hoping that I can help with his behaviors and wonder about my thoughts about a child this young being placed on a mood stabilizer.


This boy is obviously experiencing severe trauma. We stopped the mood stabilizer but continued the stimulants.  The first step in cases like this is to educate the entire family (including the grandfather, father, and step-mother) on toxic stress, childhood adversity and developmental trauma.  The family is given two parent friendly videos by child psychiatrist Bruce Perry and I actually take time out of my work schedule  to review  these videos  with the parents educating them about normal behaviors in  children exposed to severe trauma and attachment disruption.  As grandfather wants to travel and transfer care to the child’s father, I ask them to go slowly in the transition and have the child and grandfather stay at the father’s home. We schedule weekly follow-up visits to continue education about the affects of trauma on young children and answer questions that come up.   I help the family understand that the acting out behaviors aren’t purposeful but based out of fear of abandonment. We get the child enrolled in karate lesions after school and encourage lots of exercise.  His teachers are educated about trauma reactions and his trauma exposure.  He does great with parental psycho-education on ACEs and toxic stress, with significantly decreased aggressive outbursts at school and at home.   He is also does very well in school and is in fact no longer considered delayed.


My hope is that this child has been given the opportunity  to pursue whatever career he wishes including becoming a physician.  If he were to become a pediatrician, I believe he certainly would understand the obstacles millions of our pediatric patients experience every year.  Regardless of his adult educational pursuits, I believe his adult potential in life has been strengthened by recognizing and treating his severe early childhood trauma. 



Hi Tina you saw my son at ARMC. You are truly an amazing person and  doctor…….. We recently got sent to u of m and as we already knew they said everything you did. You have a gift that a lot of doctors don't have, you care.   (This really made my day and it is the type of reward that recognizing and not being afraid to take on trauma can offer anyone willing to learn and willing to care). 

Last edited by Former Member

Jane - this is so very needed!  I just attended the IHI (Institute for Healthcare Improvement) conference in Dallas this week, and ACEs came up in two keynote presentations.  Health care now needs guidance on how to implement, and I'm glad you are pulling together just such a resource about who is screening, and how.


Melissa L. Baker, MPH

Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC)

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