Secrets are keeping us sick. Specifically, secrets related to past trauma are wreaking havoc on the bodies and brains of those who have been victimized at some point in life.
To be clear, trauma does not necessarily mean that something horrific had to happen to a person. Traumas can be big, but they can also be less obvious. Examples include feeling neglected, feeling left out, difficult life experiences resulting in negative beliefs about oneself, etc. Regardless of the type of traumas or secrets a person has, they add up over time and start to take a toll on a person if they are not talked about and addressed. Lately, there is more and more evidence to back this up.
Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., recently published a groundbreaking book “The Body Keeps the Score,” which is about the effects of trauma on the body and brain. Dr. van der Kolk’s findings are solidly backed up by years of research and experience. In short, what he found is that long after a traumatic event ends, the body continues to store the emotions, sensations, and sometimes images and beliefs, and feel as though it is frozen in that moment that the trauma occurred.
[For more of this story, written by Anastasia Pollack, go to]
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