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Art Takes Flight in Westfield. And so Does Hope, Light and Love. (Tap into Westfield)


By Councilwoman Dawn Mackey, December 23, 2020, Op-Ed Westfield.

As the Town Council liaison to the newly formed Westfield Public Arts Commission, I was thrilled to participate in the decision to commission 30 butterfly sculptures as our first public art exhibit, a decision made in advance of the global pandemic. It was serendipitous that we chose “butterflies” as our subject, not knowing that we would eventually all be cocooning. Painted by local artists, each three-foot butterfly sculpture represented a decade of Westfield’s 300 years as a gift to the community on our 300th anniversary.

As the reality of the pandemic settled in, the PAC contemplated postponing until 2021 to complete the project as many hurdles ensued, including supply disruptions and labor shortages. But recognizing that the community could benefit from a safe, joyful, outdoor experience, and that artists, in particular, were suffering hardship, we forged ahead. The collaboration between the PAC, artists, and the town resulted in outstanding and unique works of art scattered throughout our downtown and Mindowaskin Park.

“Art is so important,” he said, “especially right now,” and then asked if they would be for sale, so I informed him of the impending auction. Rob kept in touch and shared photos of Caroline with her favorite butterfly, Flutter Vision, painted by 14-year-old Clara Owens. He gave me permission to share our conversation with the Commission, so they could know how their work had deeply touched this family. There were other similar stories from residents, including one whose butterfly expressed the remembrance of a loved one, and another woman who wanted a specific butterfly as a tribute to her sister for her upcoming memorial.

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