With dedication to innovation in trauma-informed care measurement and implementation, the Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI) will soon launch a fully-automated, online version of the widely-used ARTIC Scale. The new online platform will enable organizations and service systems to assess and monitor trauma-informed care in a manner that is user-friendly, secure and cost-effective. Its powerful features include:
- Online administration at mulitple time points
- Fully-automated data management and analysis
- Instant, confidential dashboard reports for organizations and individual staff
- Multiple languages: English, Spanish, French, Japanese
In April 2016, the Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care (ARTIC) Scale was released. It remains one of the only psychometrically-valid measures of trauma-informed care (TIC) available. In only two years, the ARTIC has been used by over 150 entities in 10 countries, translated into 4 languages, and administered to over 20,000 professionals.
In advance of the Spring 2019 launch, this FREE webinar on March 19 & 20, 2019, will provide information for those considering whether the ARTIC Scale online may add value to their efforts to assess, implement, and research TIC in their settings.
Webinar topics include:
- Current status of TIC measurement
- Overview of the ARTIC Scale
- ARTIC subscales, uses, and how it can drive data-based decision-making
- How the ARTIC Online Platform solves "pain points" of TIC measurement
- Tour of the platform
- Dashboard reports for organizations and individuals
A FREE webinar will be offered March 19, 2019 from 2:00-3:00 p.m., EST and will repeat on March 20, 2019, from 3:00-4:00 p.m., EST. Space is limited so register today.
Learn more about ARTIC Scale and register for the FREE webinar on the TSI website: https://traumaticstressinstitute.org/the-artic-scale/
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