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Author Terry Wardle will be the Special Guest on "Breaking the Silence" Radio Program This Sunday!


Terry Wardle, author of his latest book from Waterbrook and Multnomah Publishers, "Some Kind of Crazy" will be the special guest on "Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams" radio program this Sunday evening beginning at 8:00 pm Central Time.

Terry will be sharing his shocking childhood stories, including his grandfather blowing up someone's house and locking four-year-old Terry in the backseat of a car on an abandoned road at night.  He will also discuss his framework for emotional healing, his role as a "wounded healer," and how his organization Healing Care and HCM International helps heals hundreds of those who need help.

Terry Wardle is a popular author and dynamic speaker who leads seminars and retreasts to leaders, counselors, clinicians and survivors.  He is the author of numerous books, including Every Breath We Take and Identity Matters.  He is the founder of Healing Care and HCM international.

The "Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams" is heard LIVE each Sunday evening at 8:00 pm Central Time with over 1.65 million listeners tuning in each week.  The program is then released to over 115 podcast outlets the following Tuesday for ON-DEMAND listening around the world.  For more information or if you are interested in being a guest on the show, contact Dr. Gregory Williams at gawilli1@texaschildrens.orgterry wardle posterTerry Wardle book photo


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