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Belleruth Naparstek Live on ACEs Connection Dec. 12th: Guided Imagery & Parenting with ACEs


Guided Imagery & Parenting with ACEs: Chat with Belleruth Naparstek

"Trauma isn't even stored in the parts of the brain where language can access it. Instead it's been cached as frozen, primitive, pre-language experience - sensation, perception, emotion, images and motor reactivity - in the survival-based structures of the brain. What does help are tools that target the affected parts of the brain."
Belleruth Naparstek

Psychotherapist, author and guided imagery pioneer Belleruth Naparstek is the creator of the popular Health Journeys guided imagery audio series. Her first book, Staying Well with Guided Imagery (Warner) is a widely used primer on imagery and healing. Her latest book, Invisible Heroes: Survivors of Trauma and How They Heal (Bantam Dell), is about guided imagery and post-traumatic stress.

"Guided imagery is an especially portable, private, user-friendly, accessible intervention, available 24/7 at 2 pm or 2 am? That's the beauty of it for somebody subject to panic attacks or extreme distress at unpredictable times... you put it on your phone or MP3 player, and it travels with you."
Belleruth Naparstek

Online Chat with Belleruth Naparstek 

  • When: Dec. 12th (10 AM / 1 PM EST
  • Where: ACEs Connection (live, messaging format)
  • Topics to be Covered:
    • Isn't Trauma Too Hard for Something as Easy Guided Imagery?
    • Challenges, Techniques & Tools Parents with Parents with Post-Traumatic Stress/Parenting with ACEs Can Use 
    • Your Questions

How to Attend Online Chats:


Where to Learn More about Belleruth Naparstek's Work:

Webinars / 2 Free Webinars

  • The first talk is called Downloading Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress: Digitally Delivered, Evidence-Based Tools for Self-Administered Healing.
  • The second webinar is called Lessons Learned from Treating PTS: Soldiers Teach Therapists about Do's, Don't's & Understanding Military Culture 


You Tube

Belleruth Naparstek / The Four Threads Effective Approaches Share:

1.They first and foremost find ways to re-regulate the nervous system.
2. They destigmatize and normalize the experience by explaining PTS as the somatic and neurophysiologic condition it is.
3. They offer simple, self-administer-able tools that empower the end-user and confer a sense of mastery and control.
4. The interventions are cast as training in skill sets, not the healing of pathology.

Links to Past Chat Transcripts & After Chat Blog Posts:

If you have questions about how to find or attend a chat, please contact Cissy White at

Cissy's Note: Guided imagery, yoga and writing have been the go-to healing techniques most helpful to me in healing from and dealing with symptoms of post-traumatic stress. I credit them for the wellness, health and happiness I have and can return to when lost or overwhelmed. I share this because my feelings about guided imagery are  positive, personal, intense and biased. 
While I've never met Belleruth Naparstek - I have long admired her work. Before Bessel von der Kolk and others came on board to use and champion body-based therapies or acknowledge that the traditional medical model often failed to treat, cure or even hear survivors - Belleruth was.
She was out in the world helping parents, veterans, people in recovery from most everything. She was sharing research with lay people and advocating about where and how techniques are used so as to be accessible, affordable and comfortable to those needing them even if we didn't have insurance, money, time for interest in traditional approaches. I hope to thank her as well as ask her about guided imagery, and tools for parents who are parenting with ACEs and may be suffering right now.
So many survivors like myself are eternally grateful to her work and to guided imagery for helping us so much. 
She's helped people like me trying to parent, function, work, feel safe in the world. She's helped people with limited resources or who have been told we are incurable or damaged beyond repair to get support and to support ourselves.  She has, through her work, taught people to breathe, stay still, feel safe, feel emotions and maybe do both at the same time. Those aren't things all of us learned how to do as kids, or remember to do as adults. She's helped us learn why and how to do so and in our own homes for almost free.
My life is  better because of her and her work, as is my parenting and ability to be there for others as well. I'm profoundly grateful and honored to have the chance to chat with her about healing, parenting with ACEs, traumatic stress, health, hope and healing.
I hope you can join us! I hope you help me ask questions as well because I might be pretty emotional. Let's keep showing up for one another and keep sharing tools, experiences and conversation.


Images (3)
  • belle
  • belleruth 2
  • belleruth

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Carey S. Sipp posted:

Thank you Cissy!

These chats are such wins for those of us who are all about healing and helping others heal. I can feel your joy in being able to share  Belleruth Naparstek with us in these two sessions and beyond. The timing is terrific, as the holidays bring an intensified trauma with them for many of us. I love knowing about this and having access to the resources handy in time to have thoughtful questions. 

Peace and thank you!



I hope you can make it to the chat. You will love her work. i thought she'd be b perfect for this time of year which can be pretty challenging. I love your enthusiasm for healing and this work!!! Cissy

Thank you Cissy!

These chats are such wins for those of us who are all about healing and helping others heal. I can feel your joy in being able to share  Belleruth Naparstek with us in these two sessions and beyond. The timing is terrific, as the holidays bring an intensified trauma with them for many of us. I love knowing about this and having access to the resources handy in time to have thoughtful questions. 

Peace and thank you!


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