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Beyond the ACE score: Examining relationships between timing of developmental adversity, relational health and developmental outcomes in children (


Highlights excerpted on Science Direct about a new study by Erin P.Hambrick, Thomas W.Brawner, BruceD. Perry, KristieBrandt, 
Christine Hofmeister, and Jen O.Collins published in the Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.


• Adverse experiences from 0 to 2 months predicted negative child outcomes
• Relational poverty from 0 to 2 months also predicted negative outcomes
• Adverse experiences later in life predicted negative outcomes less strongly
• Current relational health was the overall strongest predictor of outcomes
• The impact of early life adversity may increase, not decrease, over time



The association between developmental adversity and children's functioning is complex, particularly given the multifaceted nature of adverse experiences. The association between the timing of experience and outcomes is underresearched and clinically under-appreciated. We examine how the timing of both adverse (including potentially traumatic) events and relational poverty are associated with developmental outcomes.

Link to Science Direct about a new study by Erin P.Hambrick, Thomas W.Brawner, BruceD. Perry, KristieBrandt, Christine Hofmeister, and Jen O.Collins published in the Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.

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You look at Garbarino - Listening to Killers - they all have 9 / 10 ACEs —- but how did they get 9/10 ACEs? They effectively did not have a functional parent that could protect the child from racking up these ACEs. I’m sure many of the mothers are bringing with them to the infant environment 4 active ACEs at least (example DV, Mental Health Concerns, maybe a parent lost to jail or just splitting and there could be substance abuse too at the time that baby is born)  .... how well is such a stressed out mother going to be able to parent?  The damage done in the first two months to the infant  is horrific (this is the foundation for all later growth and development) so society needs to protect babies and mothers in pregnancy to birth and onward for certain for the first 1000 days. That’s where I’d put my efforts and my money.   Thank you  

Last edited by Former Member

Anyone serious about preventing childhood adversity and outcomes like dissociation (c-ptsd and up) - leading to suicide, murder, DV, CSA, physical abuse, and everything bad that you don’t want to have or have to heal from plus a self-perpetuating and ever worsening generational cycle ... has to look at perinatal attachment issues. There is no way around this.  Want to have a healthy society - give every infant a secure attachment and a secure base.  

A parent of an infant who dissociates or becomes agitated, activated, angry by a baby’s cry, will go into a different mental state in which she cannot see or know or attune with the infant and this will greatly affect the child’s brain development. Beatrice Beebe can determine which infants will go on to develop Disorganized Attachment at 12 months  by looking at 2 minutes of dyadic interactions between a 4 month old - mother pair.  Disorganized attachment at 12 month predicts developing BPD and serious dissociative disorders including borderline and DDNOS / DID at young adulthood.  Lots of people who commit serious crimes like violence or murder do not even remember what happened because they dissociated.   I cut the crap out of both my legs once - like 15 huge cuts that were 12 inches long on both legs when a boyfriend dumped me.   I had absolutely no idea of what happened to me and I only woke up because of the feel of sticky hot blood. Dissociation is for real and it’s no joke. 

The cost and the time to heal this stuff is astronomical if it can be healed at all and the pain and despair isn’t quantifiable. Thanks  

Last edited by Former Member
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