Join Early Childhood Educator, Child Advocate and Community Organizer, Community Leader, and ACEs Champion, Jameelah Hanif brings ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Awareness on a Facebook Live Discussion with guests who share their childhood trauma experiences and their healing process . Our purpose is to educate, empower and encourage others to become trauma-informed with hope that those tuning in will be inspired to educate, empower, and encourage others to spread awareness about ACEs. Please join me and a special guest on Facebook at every Wednesday at 6:00pm PST as we discuss the importance of identifying your ACEs and seeking the help needed for healing. BouncebackWednesdays #ACEsMatter #Prevention #EarlyIntervention #BreakingCycles #BreakingPatterns #AdverseChildhoodExpericences #ACEsAwareness
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