When it comes to sexual assault of students, some say private secondary schools are still being a little too private about how they handle misconduct.
A recent Boston Globe investigation found hundreds of students were allegedly abused by teachers and staff at scores of New England prep schools since the 1950s. Many of the perpetrators were quietly let go, and then moved on to re-offend at other schools.
To many who've been through private boarding schools, the stories of sexual abuse comes as little surprise. There are not only more opportunities for misconduct with kids at school day and night, but also, arguably more pressure on elite, competitive prep schools to keep such problems private.
"That's just how it is," says Maggie Fitzgerald, who enrolled at the Williston Northampton School in western Massachusetts five years ago as it was being sued for trying to cover up a teacher's sexual misconduct with a student. The news didn't dissuade her. "I mean, every boarding school has come out that they've had one of these scandals. I mean, how was I supposed to find a school that hadn't?" she asks.
[For more of this story, written by Tovia Smith, go to http://www.npr.org/2016/05/18/...prep-school-teachers]
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