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Broken Places- A 2019 BPT Film Screening


"The world breaks and afterward many are strong in the broken places" - Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms

During the BPT Pre-Conference on June 25th, CRI will be screening Broken Places- a documentary that posits why some children are severely damaged by early adversity while others are able to thrive. Filmmakers explored 40 years of film archives following children who experienced immense childhood stress, watching with curiosity as some overcame hardship and thrived in their adult worlds.

Allyn Griffin, one of the 2019 BPT Conference Presenters, will be hosting the screening. An educator with the Prescott School District, Allyn viewed the film and remarked: 

"The documentary is a very unique longitudinal perspective. The filming takes place over the life-span of a group of troubled families. Broken Places not only provides a glimpse into the challenges that were faced by these families (specifically children) then, but interweaves today's research and science into the fabric of the current trauma-informed landscape. The film effectively addresses the intricacies of navigating through the generational and environmental trauma experienced by some families and simultaneously provides a glimpse into why some kids thrive in and through the trauma while others crumble because of it. A gripping film that will force the viewer to acknowledge the harmful impact of unaddressed trauma in a kids life and show how resiliency plays a big role in healing. "

Broken Places is written, produced, and directed by Roger Weisberg, whose previous productions have won over a hundred and fifty awards including Emmy, duPont-Columbia, and Peabody awards, as well as two Academy Award nominations. CRI is honored to screen this exceptional film, with the generous support of KPJR Films, creators of Paper Tigers and Resilience. 


View the film website here:

Broken Places will be screened during the 2019 BPT Conference, as part of the Pre-Conference events on June 25th. Click here for more information.

Allyn Griffin is a secondary teacher who also teaches basketball. He competently utilizes strategies helping parents, students and athletes understand and support the child’s athletic and academic growth. Over twenty years in the organization, strategic planning, management and peripheral responsibilities of coaching. A collaborative, passionate, motivating leader who has been officially commended by colleagues for ingenuity and a high degree of professionalism.

The 2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Trauma-Informed Care Conference on June 26 & 27, 2019 will revolve around the theme, “Building Resilience Across the Life Span,” with Pre-Conference Trainings, Social/Networking event, and film screenings beginning on Tuesday June 25, 2019. The conference will be held at the Red Lion Hotel in Pasco, WA. Click here for session information, or to purchase tickets.

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Mara Mark posted:

I found this statement from "Dr.Nancy" on Lady Gaga's BTW Foundation page. I thought it was quite powerful. I did not have support as a child and still don't. Hopefully that will change with this generation. I know for a fact that if I had that safe harbor now, I would be doing a whole lot better. (Then and now.) Thoughts?

Many people think that the event that stimulated PTSD needs to be the focus.  Yet often, people will experience the same event and have completely different reactions to it.  It is my opinion that trauma occurs in an environment where your feelings and emotional experience are not valued, heard and understood.  The specific event is not the cause of traumatic experience.  This lack of a “relational home” for feelings is the true cause of traumatic experience. Finding support is key.

Hi Mara,

I am sorry to hear that you experienced trauma as a child and did not, and do not, have support. I notice you're in MD, and I wanted to share the Maryland Aces Connection group with you. Perhaps you may be able to find Aces efforts in your area:

I do want to thank you for the quote. I am certain that just as it rings true for you, it will ring true for many. Trauma does not exist in a vacuum, and indeed, we are approaching resilience with a similar mindset- that it must come from communities. We are shifting, and we are seeing the movement shift as a whole, away from trauma as an individual event or person, and towards the context surrounding them and the community-wide resilience we can create. That is the mission of CRI, built right into the title- Community Resilience Initiative.

I know we are far from you, but if our information can be of any validation to the difficulties you experienced, please feel free to reach out or ask any questions.


Last edited by Tara Mah

I found this statement from "Dr.Nancy" on Lady Gaga's BTW Foundation page. I thought it was quite powerful. I did not have support as a child and still don't. Hopefully that will change with this generation. I know for a fact that if I had that safe harbor now, I would be doing a whole lot better. (Then and now.) Thoughts?

Many people think that the event that stimulated PTSD needs to be the focus.  Yet often, people will experience the same event and have completely different reactions to it.  It is my opinion that trauma occurs in an environment where your feelings and emotional experience are not valued, heard and understood.  The specific event is not the cause of traumatic experience.  This lack of a “relational home” for feelings is the true cause of traumatic experience. Finding support is key.

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