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Broken Places Virtual Screening on 3/21/19: Q&A about Registration & Viewing

Dear ACEs Connection Community:
We've had hundreds of people sign up for the virtual screening and Twitter chat this week. We've had a few questions about the registration process and viewing details which I'll answer here. If you have other questions, please leave a comment so we can address them. Thank you. Cissy
Q)I've not registered yet, can I still do so?
Yes. Here's the link to register for the virtual screening and more information about the film and the Twitter discussion which will follow. The deadline to register is 12p.m. noon EST on Weds. March 20th. Please plan early as no late registrations will be possible.   
Q)Will I get a reservation confirmation and access to the movie before Thursday, March 21st?
No. Once registered, you will receive only one email on Thursday, March 21st before 6 a.m. and that will provide details for viewing.

Q)Is a gmail account required to register? Any alternate ways to register for folks who can't use google forms (govt. accounts, etc.?)
A)No, Google Forms take any email so long as that person has registered for a Google Account, which can be established in 1 minute with any email if they don't already have one. Also, the settings of the form have been adjusted now to allow for any email (government or otherwise) to register. If you tried to register and couldn't see the form with a government email, please try again and you should be able to see and fill it out now. Thanks for your patience and persistence with the process.
Q)Can I share my passcode with others so they can watch the film even if they didn't register?
No. This is a special viewing experience offered to ACEs members only. However, you can encourage others to become members and they can register for the virtual screening as long as they do so prior to March 20th at noon.
Q)I can't watch on Thursday. Can I get permission to watch at another time?
No. This is a special opportunity for members for March 21st only. We realize no one time works well for everyone and we are sorry you will miss this event. If you can't make the screening, you can submit a request for a screening in their local community via the contact form on the Broken Places website  or purchase the screening license through the educational distributor, Roco Films, here: 
Q)I missed the original announcement. What's this virtual screening all about and how can I find the original blog post?  
Here's the content that was in the original blog post and a link to that post.

Please join us on Thursday, March 21st for a special virtual screening of Broken Places, the latest U.S. documentary on early childhood trauma and resilience. The film will be offered via a private Vimeo link with passcode to all registered members of ACEs Connection, for free, accessible in the United States and internationally.

To register, please visit

The viewing portal for the film will open on Vimeo at 6am EST and close at 11pm EST on March 21st, and the film can be viewed at anytime during that window, from any devise (mobile, desktop, tablet). Please note that your viewing passcode will not extend earlier or later to watch the film.

  • Registration will close March 20th at 12:00 p.m. EST, 9 a.m. PST. Please register in advance. You will then receive the passcode by email to view the film on the morning of March 21st. 
    • NOTE: There will be no option for last-minute registrations, so please register by March 20th (at 12:00 p.m. EST and 9 a.m. PST).  

Thursday, March 21st, at 5 p.m. PST and 8 p.m. EST.

During and after the film, join the virtual conversation by sharing your thoughts or questions about the film using the twitter handle @BrokenPlacesDoc.

Be sure to include the #BrokenPlacesFilm and #ACEsScience hashtags— to receive real-time responses from a panel of early childhood and ACEs experts (more info coming shortly).

This Twitter conversation will help build critical momentum around ACEs awareness and trauma-informed practices. We welcome individuals and initiatives to participate in this chat following the viewing. We need your voice and perspective!

  • For additional questions about the BROKEN PLACES Virtual screening and Tweet Up event, please email @Christine Cissy White. 


BROKEN PLACES explores why some children seem more severely impacted by early adversity while others appear to thrive.

 By revisiting some of the abused and neglected children profiled decades ago, the film dramatically illustrate how early trauma shaped their lives as adults. BROKEN PLACES interweaves these longitudinal narratives with commentary from a few nationally renowned experts to help viewers better understand the devastating impact of childhood adversity as well as the inspiring characteristics of resilience. 


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All text, image and other materials contained or displayed on this site are proprietary and constitute valuable intellectual property. No materials from any part of this film/site are authorized or intended by us to be downloaded, transmitted, broadcast, reproduced or in any other way used or otherwise disseminated in any form to any person or entity, unless said person or entity has license to do so. All unauthorized duplication or any other use of materials from this site, including, but not limited to, use on other Web sites, or in offers to resell products using similar names or descriptions, shall constitute intentional infringement(s) of our intellectual property and shall further constitute a violation of our trademarks, copyrights, and other rights. Without further notice we will prosecute to the fullest extent allowed by law.


To learn more about this documentary, please see the Broken Places website and find this review written by @Laurie Udesky. Laurie is an ACEs Connection staff journalist and the Community Manager of  the ACEs in Pediatrics community. 

For information about hosting a film screening to start or grow an ACEs initiatve, please refer to this guide. It will also guide you to where and how to access the films. You can also find a screening guide for Broken Places, here, as well as suggested discussion questions, here

For general information about starting or growing an initiative in your area, please contact one of our Community Facilitators, as follows:

Once again, here is the link to register for this virtual screening: 

Please let us know if you have any questions. 

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Comments (6)

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Sonya Chapnick posted:

Hi there! Looks like I missed the registration window, is there any other way to view this film? Please let me know!


Thank you

Hi Sonya. 

Unfortunately, not through us but please see the Broken Places website for more on how to access the film. Cissy 

Tanya Crockett posted:

I missed the deadline Any chance I can still get in on the viewing?

Hi Tanya:

Good question for the filmmaker. Check out the Broken Places website. This was a special viewing opportunity for our members but we don’t have film rights, etc. so it’s not a question we can answer. Cissy 

Pam Ponich posted:
Hi and thank you for this extra info regarding registering for this event. FYI – I just tried again, and the link continues to be blocked by our State computer system. Any other thoughts on how to access?

I so appreciate all the work you all are doing - I am an ACEs Connection junkie!


Pamela Ponich-Hunthausen, Clinical Director
Montana Intensive Behavioral Center
PO Box 87
Boulder, MT 59632

Hi Pam: 

Goid question. It may be best if you can register from a non .gov address as if might be a firewall issue. Is that possible? 


Hi and thank you for this extra info regarding registering for this event. FYI – I just tried again, and the link continues to be blocked by our State computer system. Any other thoughts on how to access?

I so appreciate all the work you all are doing - I am an ACEs Connection junkie!


Pamela Ponich-Hunthausen, Clinical Director
Montana Intensive Behavioral Center
PO Box 87
Boulder, MT 59632
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